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July wasn't my best MH month, so the pace of scriptwriting was a bit rocky.

I'm hoping that this starts to reset that pace!

In addition to the Patreon, I am starting to house more scripts on scriptbin.  

This is the script for E2 of Sorry Daddy. It takes place in a Catholic university – St. Justina’s.

Each episode imparts a moral lesson, centering around a cardinal virtue. This episode is “Diligence.”

This is all very seriously twisted. If you’re easily offended by perversion and corruption, this is not the script for you.

There is an underlying lore; the worldbuilding notes are kept separately. There’s extensive borrowing from some actual bits of religion in here. Some is general; some is specific to particular monastic orders.

PN is often used to mean Production Note. SFX means sound effect.

Bracketed instructions with neither are most often notes to the actors.

Yes – this is produced. It expresses real fantasy – but it’s obviously a curated performance as well. If script reading disrupts that for you, definitely feel free to take a pass!

CW: sexual servitude, humiliation, bondage, male dom, femdom, sacrilege, heresy, forced mechanical bondage including “suckmills” and “cunt cycles.” Forced orgasm, edging, denial. Mantric repetition. Belittlement. Frequent use of the terms “Daddy” “Mommy” and “Sister” (in the context of a kink or religious hierarchy.) Extreme insults. Class conflict (a Karen and a less upper-middle class character go at it, with no holds barred.) Some fourth wall breaking to include the listener.


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