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There's been a lot of changes for the haptics and systems recently.  

It's led me to conclude the following.

1. The new XToys system is better.  More people can use it.  It's easier and more flexible.  Maybe a little overwrought, but I'd say it's really a new medium for sexual art in vibration.  I like it.

2. I should port previous haptic tracks to this new system.

With the generous help of LL, almost all of the tracks have been ported over through automated scripts.   At the same time....

3. I'm a kink and mind control producer and writer, not a programmer.  That's probably pretty clear.  I hope I'm doing well at releasing different kinds of content.  There's certainly a learning curve.

I embrace new tech; it's a tool.  The heart of the whole thing here is the kink itself.  

I want to make sure the innovations don't overshadow the kink, so I'm going to consider the games and haptics a "bonus feature."  

Every midnight (EST) this month, a new haptic track (often a file conversion or redo to fit the new system) or a new game build will drop on the $10 tier.  

That doesn't substitute for the original, newly written and recorded content that's coming out quite soon - it's an addition.  So if you're not that into the games or cyborg control systems, it's easy to ignore (I hope)

They'll all be tagged #neuroplex.  I'm setting the queue over the next few days, so it'll be locked in.  

I hope that's reasonably helpful!  I just want to make it very clear that the writing and recording and production continues, even as I branch into experimenting with new systems.  (Queueing some of these things also - hopefully - will free some time for to *actually* organize the back catalogue with a reasonable hashtag system that works.)

You're all the best - thank you for your continued support!  If anything about the release system troubles you or delights you, please shoot me an email.


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