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Hole Call is the first part of a three part series (Ding Dong.)

THIS version is for VIBE CONTROL - via XTOYS.  It will SOUND WEIRD if played in most other media players.  It is designed for VIBE CONTROL.  The previously posted version is for audio only.

Thanks to Guru LL for the advice on file formats and compression.  This file is an m4A - and much more space efficient.  It should still allow vibe control - do make sure it works before inserting anything inside yourself for the track!

Previous tracks feature advice on how to hook up xtoys.

It’s oriented toward pet play and obedience. The lead character – Trixie (Ring of Kees) – is a human pet at a training facility. She does all of her tricks for the bell.

If she’s especially good, she might even get the treat stick. When the showgirl is good – everyone gets treats. Yes, even you.

This track is more BDSM and kink than mind controlling the listener. It features dark EDM patterns over the industrial sounds of the training facility. The robot voice (Gwen) is rendered by a high quality text to speech voice. I will always use live voices in my tracks, but this fit the narrative, and many listeners will recognize the voice.

CW: Petplay, orgasm denial, humiliation, renaming, forced exhibitionism, conditioning, discipline, “treat stick”



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