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Dumb Game is a REAL and PLAYABLE bimbo fantasy game for your PC or Android phone.  

This post includes 

A. intro

B. vocal sample credits

C. a brief FAQ

D. warnings

E. optional build history

Be sure to read INTRO, CREDITS, FAQ, and WARNINGS.


Dumb Game is a REAL and PLAYABLE bimbofication game for your PC or Android phone.

It takes vocal samples from Ping Pong and Brain Buzz, adds graphics, and creates hours of fun for your favorite bimbim.  Unlike Ping Pong, this isn’t difficult; you can start winning right away.

Voices are female.  No audience sex or gender prescribed.  "Feminine" aesthetics.

Programming credit goes to Pandoramail. You can support their further efforts HERE: https://www.patreon.com/pandoramail

To use it on a PC, just download all THESE files in a folder of your choice. 

desktop: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y8leero3bhcu6sl/AAA27UvYgQzhUssSV381wc5ja?dl=0


To use it on your Android phone, download the .apk file and launch it.  It'll install itself. 

Android : https://www.dropbox.com/s/pqad4e8fvka4l46/dumbGameDemo1.apk?dl=0

On launch it'll ask for permission to access the SD card to save file - and brrr achieved.

B. Vocal Sample credit

(links at creator request.  some might be adult in nature.  Minors DNI.)

Kat Planchette https://www.patreon.com/katplanchette


Bliss https://blink-blank-bliss.tumblr.com/

Korrupted Innocence https://korrupted-bunny.tumblr.com/

Ring of Kees https://ringofkees.tumblr.com/

The Thembo Fairy https://www.tiktok.com/@rainb0wfa1ry


There’s some technical problem! How do I fix?

This is the bleeding edge release. There may well be tech problems; we’re working on it. Your specific feedback helps us improve!

Can you make this work for mac products?

Yes. We’re working on it. iPhone is dicier.  Stay tuned!

Can you add some features?

Heck yes we’re adding features. Again – bleeding edge playtesting build right here.


1. Please use this material in a safe and responsible fashion. Recognize that dumbing down is a fantasy.  It should be something YOU control, intentionally.  Effects are not intended as permanent.

2. Adding a game component can, for many, up the addictiveness for any activity.  Set a timer!

3. There are bright and flashing lights associated with this. Please be conscious of this should flashiness trigger any response, like seizures.


completed version 0.2 (Android build):

+ finished the "warmup" stage when the correct "pings" and "pongs" for that round are presented

+ added stable difficulty curve

+ added more voice clips and reactions to what the player does (oh, I love ripping sound so much...)

+ improved UI and stability

+ added a Bubble Pop minigame (minigames can appear at random during breaks between word-set rounds, can net more useless points but can't fail the game)

+ added background music loop (with smart ducking and filtering), ripped from one of the BrainBuzz clips and it fits perfectly!

+ added an option window (currently holding only the music volume slider and links to both yours and mine Patreon pages)

- for now profile creation screen (the profile button does nothing) nor welcome screen, it just starts playing

- for now the player cannot lose the game

- no icon yet

Dumb Game Demo Version 0.3:

+ lots of stuff added

+ needs permission to local storage to save the player profile (basic info like name and high score)

- lots of stuff missing (profile picture is randomised, the player can't select it by themselves, needs more variety, balance, sounds etc)

Future Features in progress

+ app asks to make a persistent profile (local) with name / age / photo (optional, if ran on an Android phone it could take a photo and use it in-app)

+ name / nickname and estimated IQ could change depending on how the player performs in the game

+ player profile can be shared in any future apps and games, making it a more broad experience

+ could run a web-based profile database, for players to compare with their dumber.... highest scores

+ every single time a new round is started, the app generates a set of word pairs to play with, each pair being taught to the player before the round starts

+ each rounds getting a bit faster / harder (sometimes, we want those lazy, long rounds to mess with the player), harder, more word-pairs

+ unfair special rules or effects (phased-out, looped part of a different recording playing in the background; the correct word not appearing for selection; additional sounds / text in the background confusing the player)



So fun! Ping Pong was like haaard for me but this is okay for my head. I feel like smaterer heh.


Agreed cant keep up with brain breaker without a mouse on laptop cant move fast enough