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I just sent this one out (it was written with a couple of people in mind.)  I am trying to get in the daily writing habit still - I missed yesterday but HOPE to write BimWave tonight.  Here's hoping.

This one is kinda cool because it's actual yoga, so it's actually healthful even though it's very culty kinky.  As always, reading scripts might spoil surprises.  All the scripts are gonna be produced.  I'm just keeping ahead so that there are always more scripts for folks who want to perform.  (I'm also building a fuller script library because pastebin went Puritan, compelling the good people of Reddit to make an open source alternative that's actually better.)

From the notes: 

"DESCRIPTION: This is the first of the Naditu series, a submissive take on yoga that leads into thought conforming yoga.

This is best done with a floor mat or other space. You should be able to sit and lie down comfortably. This is very much beginning yoga. You should be comfortable with doing some basic yoga poses. They aren’t very difficult. If you might struggle with basic yoga, maybe listen through and enjoy before attempting. If you hurt or something feels off – stop! This is real and functional beginner yoga instruction and practice, but *you* are responsible for your own physical comfort and safety. I am not a doctor or a physical therapist. Listening to your body takes precedence over listening to sexual fantasy!

There is no delineated induction since it arises from the process of yogic stretching. There is no clearly delineated wakener, since it’s a pre-bed exercise with lucid dreaming suggestions.

One variant is for cock and one variant is for cunt. No gender mentioned. Since it encourages identification, it may have some feminizing effects for male listeners, but nothing heavy or mandatory.

The file does assume that you are sexually attracted to the female speakers.

As opposed to using the more conventional Hindu loan words like namaste, I’ve substituted in Sumerian and Mesopotamian words about sacred prostitution. I don’t want to borrow from cultures in a way that might be diminishing or problematic, but Gnosticism and Babylonian sex cults are less potentially problematic, I think

CW: culty vibes, submission, compelled masturbation, obedience, light suggestions of pet play (cat and cow), female speakers, identification with speakers"


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