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Who says bimbos can’t be brainy?

Palimpsest is inspired in part by the series “Hysterical Literature.” 

It’s a narrative of a poetry reading in an independent bookstore. Along with the narrative, though, we hear the internal monologue of the submissive characters.

By overlaying the internal narrative, you can hear how control, both mechanical and psychological, add some new dimensions to the featured Emily Dickinson poem.

A string arrangement of Pachelbel fades in and out, and gets a little bit weirded in the process.

All voices are female. There are some references to a male “off-screen” dominant figure, but the references and any gender references at all are extremely light.

A haptic supplement will follow on the top tier.


BLISS: The Poetess

KORRUPTED INNOCENCE: Submissive audience member

RING OF KEES: Bookstore Owner

CW: some hypnosis, bimbofication, dominance and submission, sadomasochism, public embarrassment

PERSONAL NOTE: This is possibly a little bit “off brand” for me. Nonetheless, the overall theme is really close to my heart and, you know, other chakras. For me, the bimbofication stuff is a specific form of humiliation. It’s probably no secret that the people I find attractive are as smart as they are dumb. There is a sequel already in the works.




For anyone else who's enjoying this as much as me ;) https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Joy_to_have_merited_the_Pain_%E2%80%94