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Hey there!  Some of the Patrons weren't super into the "group infidelity" sections of Game Boy, so I'm revising that and reposting for both of the Game Boy mixes so far.  

I also hope to have "Gamer Girl" out today - we will see how fast I can get it done!

In case you missed the initial content warning and description:  

It’s a dominatrix delivering instructions – and inductions – for and about video game addiction. It’s used as a lever for control. The domme enhances this addiction for her own purpose of enthralling, dominating, addicting, and exploiting her video game addicted Game Boy. A few features that will be modified in upcoming releases.

1. This is female dominant, implied male submissive, no male voices. Clearly, that’s just one manifestation of this fantasy. There will be gamer girl domination, obviously.

2. Final Fantasy features heavily because that was suggested. I’ll be releasing versions for different games. 

3. There will be a JSON file to sync up Bluetooth enabled vibes, including Fleshlights. It will be similar for all versions of the file.

CONTENT WARNINGS: humiliation, mindlessness, sexual service, strong themes of addiction and conditioning. The dominatrix enacts multiple sexual acts upon her subject (you.) The tie to video games meshes two potentially addictive behaviors – so please listen responsibly, with a firm grasp on the distinction between fantasy and reality. There is no wakeup, and it's designed for looping.

CONTENT NOTE: Virtually all of the noises (aside from voicework) for this are identifiable lines and game noises from various Final Fantasy editions. The game music is not directly used, but the melodies are reworked from various FF games. Bonus points to whoever can find them all.




what is group infidelity?


Before, she talked about fucking the subject's friends - now she doesn't!