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Brain Buzz, the buzziest online women's magazine, is now up and running!

 It's been launched with the following quiz:  https://bimbovirus.typeform.com/to/FnkEs7  

It's a pretty elaborate project - there are over 20 audio subfiles.  The source files and their remixes will be available on the Patreon, but anyone can take the quiz.  

Production will now return to the previous pace.  I know there's been a pretty big lag, but sometimes trying out new formats with a full choose your adventure takes some extra time!  Thank you for your collective patience.

The above track is just a sampler of the quiz questions, to give people who aren't able to do the full quiz a sense of the pacing.  If you particularly like a question or answer section, contact me so I can release it here.

Stay tuned for more Brain Buzziness!  

CW: femsub themes, all fem voices, male dominance, bimbofication, mindlessness, sexual servitude.  There is no induction per se.  Mantric repetition, variation between very fast and slow pacing.  There's no defined stopping point, and the quiz itself frequently loops.  I still think it's pretty entertaining as a work of slighly satirical fiction even if you are not the target audience.  

Cast: Kees, Korrupted, Kat Planchette, Bliss




Question 6 seems to be missing, it just goes from 5 to 7


I put it on the discord as well, but I think this is one of your best works ever.


this is so fun to play! it really was super fun! some of the questions were hard. i think you used big words!! but it’s ok cuz the videos helped!


Omg this is the best! Love this! 💖