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Hey everyone!  I've been concentrating on finishing writing to keep multiple projects going at once.  This should ensure a steady stream of content!

Unfortunately, this means I have a big stack of mixing.  I'm doing it quicker, but I don't want to sacrifice quality.

Scripts have been completed for all the projects identified in the earlier text post.

Ping Pong should be out today!  It's a mantric joy that recalls earlier work.

51 should follow within a couple of days. It's an alien conspiracy and I'm proud of the script.

Haze will follow within the next couple of days.  It's a hardcore humiliation sorority fantasy.

There may be a lag of a week as the other projects are voice filled, but they should be out this month.  Game Boy - a female dominant gaming narrative - promises to be pretty fast.  It'll mark the entry of Kawaii Bunny (introduced as the cow Milkshake) as a gentle female dominant.

I am very excited about the Lovecraft fantasy; it was a project to write it.  I struggled with the need to have some plausibility (why audio?) and settled on the Mountains of Madness Antarctic subgenre.  So - snowed in with tentacles as the Aurora Australius shimmers. What could be better?

The other projects identified as optional will be written this month; I *hope* they can be produced in time.  I am very excited about the horoscopes, but producing all twelve at once might prove challenging.

Wakening, another dream project that extends the Inception or false awakening theme, should be out this month, voiced by Mistress Magenta.

Given the coming content flood, I have pre-emptively moved Number Dumber, Session, Gym Bunny, (d)um(b) game, and Typing Pool downtier.  I hope you enjoy. 

Thank you for your support as I continue to ramp up production; it's appreciated! I am always open to your suggestions.



I'm delighted to be able to help support your content flood. Thank you for making such high quality mindfuckery. I've used it to help my owner subvert my will and remake me to her tastes. She has converted me from polyamorous and mostly androphillic / homosexual to monogamous, straight-for-her, and completely obedient to her. I obviously have to pick kinda carefully which files support that transformation, but I've installed triggers in myself that just discard any suggestions that don't serve her purposes. Anyhow, you've been a major part of my hypnosexual adventures and it is nice to contribute in a small way to your continued creativity. As my personal fortunes improve, I look forward to increasing my level of support.