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Everyone said the files were getting a little long, so this is pop song length.

Female submissive oriented and voiced.  It makes housework fun!

Patriarchy-as-kink, bimboization   

Description and Content Warning:

Bun-Li (lead voice)


Cherry Queen

Korrupted Innocence

Quarky Bambi

Sleepy Birdie

Vanessa Spectre

Additional support:

Aurora on giggles

Sparkles on spacey subliminals

Scrubbing Bubbles is a housewife anthem, with all female submissive voices. It’s set to light and summery marimba music with a small seatrap interlude. As such, it should be both seasonal and humiliating!

Scrubbing Bubbles is designed for plugging into headphones and turning your brain off while doing housework or menial chores. Consider mandating them for your wifey sub or subby wife (given RACK principles, of course.)

Any trancelike effects occur through repetition and gradual manipulation of sound textures. Any alteration in mindstate is voluntary and consensual.

If you are a fan of my work, you will recognize themes from “Suck Fuck Cook Clean.” You will also recognize characteristic “mind pop” and “mind drop” noises. Conditioning to these noises is by design, not accident.


1. This file is designed for continuous looping. Be responsible and informed before deciding to loop all day.

2. This file gleefully employs patriarchal themes, domestication tropes, and hyperfeminization – as a *kink*.

3. This file is sexual. There’s a particular suggestion to dress in “headphones, makeup, apron, heels” that’s likely to stick in your head.

4. All subliminals reinforce the main track.

5. Audio conditioning and mindworms are real for the suggestible. This file is not shy about using them.




Bambi listens to this all the time while cleaning now <3