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Male dominant, female submissive, hypnotic induction and narrative vignettes


Neural Nets as the dominant 

Mistress Magenta as Emily, a housewife with a secret

DumTits as Synn, a girl who needs to show off her body

Cherry Queen as Zoey, a college student with a new hobby

Quarky Bambi as Ava, her roommate with unusual habits

Bliss as Susan, a serious and professional woman with a new emergent side

Persephone as Kitten, an alley whore with an ink addiction

Miss Mathy as the Space Slut, a hip adventurous girl with a new kind of tattoo

Additional moaning support from Korrupted Innocence

Tattoo is an hourlong hypnotic adventure. It explores the theme of psychic tattoos – permanent property markers through imagined and repeated alteration to self-image. In doing so, it encourages submissive body writing and actual physical tattoos as well.

Receptive listeners will likely become more receptive to deeper submission, body writing, submissive display, and physical tattoos as a sign of submission.

The classic induction is nested in the middle. Hypnotic techniques employed include fractionation, guided visualization, mirroring and role modeling, building of an audio vocabulary to encourage thoughts chains, and covert hypnotic patterns nestled within narratives.

Audio techniques to deepen this effect include subtle binaurals, deliberately accelerated ASMR, subliminals, channel scrambling, and variant audio textures designed to deepen and intensify the effects of the spoken portions.

Soundscaping is original - with the exception of “Hell Archetypes” from UMEK, which is sampled in the strip club sequence.

Notes and warnings:

1. This is long. That is often good, but I know that many Patrons yearn for shorter loopable sequences. Worry not! I’ll be chopping this up for loopable sequences at pop song length and continuing to release those throughout the month. Shorter standalone pieces are also an the way!

2. Body writing and tattoos are serious business. Make any permanent decisions about tattoos with a clear mind, free from influence. Set your limits for body writing intentionally prior to listening.

3. There is a Dominant figure in the track. That is my voice – but the intention is submission to a Dominant of your choice, not direct submission to me. Any D/s dynamic should be negotiated under conditions of equal power, not induced hypnotically. If you are a Dominant considering use of this track during BDSM play, there is no actual injunction to obey me. Your submissive might like my voice, in the same way they might like the look of a given porn star, but I’m a porn actor in this context and nothing more.

4. There are layered subliminals. These just reinforce the main track in predictable ways.

5. If you are not a female submissive, you can still enjoy this. I often enjoy this work as a male dominant; I just enjoy it as pornography with high production values instead of a exercise in direct instruction. If you have been/are coded as male but enjoy experiences e of femininity - as genderqueer, nonbinary, or a transwoman – I think that this work still has something for you. I never explicitly say “now you’re experiencing things as a woman,”as I prefer to explore femininity as an experience available to everyone. Transwomen and gender non conforming individuals have still reported deep enjoyment from these experiences.

6. This is serious D/s. I’m a kinkster. Themes explored include addiction, humiliation, induced prostitution, obedience, subordination of a married woman, induced exhibitionism, lesbian and hetero sex, anal oral and vaginal sex, and body writing. The term “Daddy” is used occasionally as is appropriate within narratives. There is no awakener, and the track concludes with a suggestion for repeated listening. Repeated listening can produce conditioning effects, particularly when combined with masturbation or sex.

7. The part about the soundwave tattoos is REAL! And it’s a great D/s idea, Magenta.



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