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Circle explores themes of group obedience in the context of feminine submission. All voices are female.

The actresses are:

Korrupted Innocence

The Cherry Queen



I am incredibly grateful to all of them for both their generous contribution of talent and their patience with a slightly laggard and unresponsive producer.

Circle both narrates and induces a group trance experience, breaking the fourth wall to include the listener. 

The members of the circle include the listener, recounting their own process of submersion into group obedience. Their narration alternates with rhymes and mantras designed to infiltrate the listener’s consciousness.

Binaurals, repetition, and mantra design all play a part in achieving these effects. There are some barely liminal voice lines, but they all repeat and reinforce the main track. There are no “hidden” subliminals.

Suggestions include obedience to a male authority figure, sexual promiscuity (including anal and oral sex), acceptance of multiple partners (with some light “cuckquean” suggestions), group masturbation, intellect reduction, mild pet play, and erosion of self.

There is no clearly marked induction. It is conversational and covert. There is no awakener. There are several nested suggestions to continue repetitive listening, or ”looping”.

Uses (presuming informed consent) potentially include: 

-- group use for masturbation and training, either remote or in person
-- deepening personal submission 

-- fantasy narration, either  experienced as the addressee (second person) or a fun harem fantasy for male dominants (third person storytelling)


First, this is a powerful track. It’s designed for both hypnotic and conditioning effects. Listeners in the past have reported the potential for addictive behavior and erosion of their sense of self. Such warnings definitely apply here.

Secondly, the immersion of the self into a group identity should be stridently content warned for anyone with negative experiences or fears of cults. The vibe here is strongly cult-like.

Third, group pressure can be extremely powerful. If you are listening collectively, please be sure that any participants give CLEAR, AFFIRMATIVE, and INFORMED consent. Clearly flag that they can opt out with NO loss of fun or perceived social status. 



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