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Machine Mind is the eighth in the Dumb Bell series, geared to robotization and cyborg fantasies. (There is a seventh in production, I promise – this is not an error.)

I am very proud of the intricate production quality on this one in particular.


The Dumb Bells are sets of mantras for the obedient to memorize. Each item in the series has a distinct “bell” to demarcate each new mantra, ranging from an actual Tibetan prayer bowl to this highly synthetic bell.

The bell is an overt nod to Pavlovian conditioning. These files are hypnotic, but they are also designed to (consensually) condition the listener.

Possible games for responsible adults to play with the Dumb Bells:


1. Only allow yourself to touch when you hear the bell.

2. Memorize all of the mantras. Edge until you get them all correct in a continuous recitation. Loop and edge and loop and edge.


1. Make sure your toy has their set memorized. If they get an item wrong, they have to start again at the beginning. Correct recitation is a prerequisite to orgasm – and can also be reinforced with pain. Get your mantra correct – get stroked. Get it wrong – get spanked.

2. In a group setting, a slave with memorized mantras should be able to reel them off whenever you say a number. This makes for a great party trick.

3. Group recitation among several co-submissives creates a trancey and culty feel, which you may enjoy.

4. Mantra sets sound really good when a submissive is tongue worshipping. Some things matter more than clarity.


This is the robotization sequence.

It samples the efforts of seven actresses: Tink, PRINCESS PETRA, Korrupted Innocence, The Cherry Queen, Bliss, Magenta, and Fiona from CCSF.

It also includes samples from actual sexbot ads, machine, and the PS4.

It is, I think, *extremely* effective.

There are several references to a feminine target audience. However, I think that men can enjoy the file. I certainly did.

Potentially objectionable themes include: robotization, female obedience, brainwashing, conditioning, dissolution of the self, and extreme objectification.


There is no induction per se or wakeup. Set alarms responsibly.

There are several suggestions internally to “loop” – or listen on repeat until thoughts dissolve. This is a potentially addictive behavior. If you struggle with addictive behavior, this is not the track for you.

The “Bell” series is a nod to Pavlov. It is designed to actually condition. If you feel that conditioning removes your agency – that you can’t control the process – please refrain from listening. This isn’t a joke – listeners have strongly recommended that I clearly and specifically tell people that this is more than just a fantasy for many.

If you find yourself slipping, don’t be afraid to stop. If you think you have been conditioned and wish to reverse that, remember that it’s fairly easy and just requires removing yourself from the stimulus.

Feel free to ask me if you have questions!




The production on this is A++


Also I think we all need to appreciate your long descriptions. Good job on that, as always.