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The original God Head mix aimed to provide an experience of transcendence when, well, sucking cock.

The followup extends that experience, with a fuller exploration of some of the archetypes that might enter into an oceanic submissive experience. Although there are hypnotic effects and references, the real points of reference here are Jung and Joseph Campbell. I do not fully endorse their theories (particularly sociobiological leanings for Jung) but I’m borrowing core concepts here for a particular narrative effect.

Specifically, the roles and actresses:

PRINCESS PETRA as the Beltane witch

Bouncy as the Fairy Queen

Korrupted as the Priestess of the Golden Dawn

Tink as Galatea robotized (Galatea is the sculpture of Pygmalion, if that provides some context)

Bliss as Aphrodite


Drusilla Lascivious in her debut as a character that oscillates between temple whore and stripper to establish commonality between the two.

Cherry and Persephone are backup vocals in this one. Cherry forgot her vignette. Ooops! She’s in half the things though. Persephone’s is going to be an additional standalone followup because she sounds great and I love the story so much. It’s already pretty porny. (The seeds are on her face!)

Samples include the Cocteau Twins and Dolores O’Riordan (RIP). Paulstretching probably renders those samples unrecognizable, but if you’re an expert, there’s definitely music trivia in there. Most percussion is set at 40 BPM in 4/4, cycling through metronome and various instrumental variations of the same basic line.

Cover art sourced from Jessica Allain.


1. This followon loops seamlessly with the original. You can set a two song playlist – God Head and Legends – and loop them continuously with no disruptive break.

2. You don’t have to be physically sucking cock when listening. It’s the original design intent, though, so it should work well when giving an hourlong blowjob. (I really feel this is an underdeveloped podcasting angle in general.)


1. There is no formal induction – all induction is conversational.

2. There is no wakeup per se. Set timers appropriately.

3. There is no reference to “bimbofication” or IQ reduction or humiliation, really. Instead, the content explores the idea of “ego dissolution” – the movement of the self into the oceanic as the ego drops away. This is the sort of transcendent experience referenced in a number of spiritual texts. This experience is a core of psychedelic experience. So… if you freaked out that one time you dropped acid, be super careful.

4. The depth of submission explored in the narrative is intense. For instance, the narrative of Galatea (the Pygmalion fantasy) presumes that a dominant has so sculpted the narrator that she is now indistinguishable from a fuckbot.

5. The target audience is feminine. There are very few references to parts – so I find it unlikely that this would trigger any sort of dysphoria among gender nonconforming individuals. Indeed, references to submissive femininity as a practice or spirit as opposed to a particular bodily configuration seems transpositive.

While the audience for INSTRUCTION is feminine, it seems that people who enjoy having their cock sucked would also be into it? I’ve never really hewed to the idea that erotica – even hypnoerotica – necessarily only “works” for a target gender, but that’s a personal view.

6. There is a particular sort of spirituality that’s explored here. It’s not denominational and it doesn’t make any reference to theism.   It presumes some unifying commonaity of sexual experiences. If this offends you or freaks you out, steer clear. Spiritual texts read aloud include ones from “Wiccan” rituals and the Order of the Golden Dawn.

7. As with all of my work, there’s an emphasis on ‘earworms’ – or particular mantras that may stick in your memory and create associational triggers. If you find this potentially addictive, then you should consider the wisdom of continued listening. Combining certain associations with peak sexual experiences can certainly create a conditioning effect.




Ugh...Mmmmmmm... absofucking amazing!! Daddy just introduced me to this fabulous audio and this is yet another masterpiece made by NN! The luring women voices invoking through a trancing state was out of this world! I am still shaking because my body and mind disconnected from this plane into the astral plane! Best multi orgasm ever! I won’t be able to resist Daddy! Thank you NN!!! 💞