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Voices: Female and Male (Abby Spectre and Neural)

Summary CW: relapse, hypnotic addiction, serious degradation, negative relationship patterns in real life, subliminals, shift to include the listener in the mind control pattern, references to conspiracy theory and larger brainwashing groups, hyperfeminization, IQ reduction 

Sub text is a largely first and third person narrative. It’s far less direct hypnotic induction and far more storytelling than most of my previous tracks. Consequently, this detailed warning contains SPOILERS. You’re responsible for balancing your own desire for surprise with negative reactions to content.


In Sub Text, a submissive female narrator details her escape from a controlling and manipulative male Owner. Her story unfolds through a series of distinct (and distinct sounding) vignettes. The combination of narrative and induction make this something of a hybrid between hypnosis files and more straightforward mind control series.

The primary conceit of this fantasy is training through advertising. The controller – only present through the narrator’s recollection – has placed a series of triggers in her head based on advertising and advertising slogans. If you are prone to direct suggestion through narrative, you should exercise caution. Triggering through common advertising would be neither ethical nor pragmatic in day to day life.

The underlying theme here is really the *continuity* between different types of control. You are, in actuality, manipulated constantly through advertising. Addressing this through erotic horror is an exploration, not an endorsement. 

A distinct vignette advances the theory that mind control through advertising is the province of a mind control cabal. The narrative refers to the Pink Room (which is a MacGuffin) and the Deep Dream State.  These are both underlying mythos components of my stories. THEY ARE NOT REAL. THERE IS NO PINK ROOM. THERE IS NO DEEP DREAM STATE.

Induction is not a big risk, because it’s oriented toward the DESCRIPTION of mind control, as opposed to its enactment. However, there is a distinct possibility of “splash damage.” The narrative and a set of subliminals break the fourth wall at several points, to include the listener explicitly in the mind control pattern. Exercise the safeties that you would normally exercise for any of my work. These guardrails should include: an awakener through an alarm, a reorienting mental activity after listening, and an honest self-assessment of your own vulnerability to suggestion and erotic conditioning.

The relationship patterns described in the narrative – causal disregard, erotic exploitation, and then a humiliating relapse – are NOT good relationship patterns. You should NOT attempt to realize this fantasy in real life.




what happened to gym bunny?


Hearing out this relapse-type story was very interesting, I give up all that!


this is so yummy 👀