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It's a roleplay induction.  It's dark in both theme and content.  There are non standard inductions, strong suggestions of addiction and dependence, and physical suggestions of brain feelings.  Spinny binaurals make vertigo possible.  There's a "wakeup" at the end, but it's light enough that reloop and fractionation are possible. 


There's a defined "drop" in here - thinking to not thinking - so attend to the instructions.

And... this is dark, and it's a multipart series.

There are two roles.  

One is me - M: - and one is you - S:.

M: Hi there and welcome to the Daily Drop - a mind optional zone where dolls drop deeper and deeper every day.

I'm Neural Nets, and I've brought my lovely assistant [NAME]to help you dream deeper.  

S: [sassy, competent] Oh, I'm not sure I'm really your assistant, Neural.  Maybe I'll let you be my assistant if this goes well.

M: Of course.  I've always admired you deeply.

S: [slightly spacy] Deeply...

M: Aren't you forgetting something [NAME]?

S: [spacy] Wait...what? 

[head clearing] Oh - yes, I'm forgetting something.

M: Do you remember what you're forgetting yet?

S: I can't... wait, let me think.  hmmm

M: I always let you think.

S: [struggling] ummm... hmmm.   It's....ummm.  Uh.... I think I... lost the thread?

M: Do you remember what you're here for?  Why are you here already all stripped and talking into a mike?

S: [more awake]  Oh!  You told me to do the Drop!

M: I did.  You're going to do the Drop now.  

S: [more alert now]  I knew that.  I'm going to do the Drop now!

M: And do you remember which Drop we're doing?

S: Ummm... wait.  There are a few...  I remember... I remember a few drops.

M: Your first drop.

S: ummm....

M: You're allowed to remember.  Now.

S: [head clearing] Oh!  Of course.  I just need coffee.  It's the pink pulse.

I can't forget the pink pulse.

M: We put a pink pulse inside your head.

S: [blanker] You.. you put a pink pulse in my head.

M: It stays in there, doesn't it?

S: The pink pulse is always in my head.

M: Sometimes you forget it, but the pink pulse is always inside your head.

S: Inside my head.

M: And what does listening to it do to the nice people, [NAME]

S: You're going to - we're going to put a pink pulse in their head.

M: It never comes out.

S: It never comes out.

M: I can turn it uuuup


s: I... I... you... it's so...  I go bim....bim...bim...

M: Or I can turn it down.


S: I can... Oh.  I can - I have words now.

M: You have good words now.

S:Oh my god - it keeps - it keeps... making me blank.

M: You remember what you need to remember.

S: Remember...

M: Remember what you need to remember.

S: Remember...what do I need to remember?

M: Let's remember how the pink pulse got into your head.  That helps everyone listening know how it gets into their heads too.


S:  I can remember.  I can remember.

You told me - you had me picture it.

M: I did.  I do.  It's the pink pulse.

S: Pink.... pulse.

M:  It's like a pink plasma ball.

You can imagine that.  You've seen those before, like those silly little decorations.

But that works for you, because you're a silly little decoration.

S: Wait, I'm not...


ohhhhh.... silly.

M: You're silly?

S:  Yeah {giggles}  I'm silly.

M: That makes it easy for you to stare at that pulsing pink light.

S: Pretty....

M: Pleasing...

S: Perfect...

S: The light keeps....


M: I know - those different arms of the pulse keep waving...

...and dancing...

.. and calling you.

S: hiii... pulse.  

It's so... pretty.

M: It's so pretty you wanted it in your head.

S: In my head...

M: It feels good in your head.

S: In my head.

M: And you thought it was just a game.  A silly little game.

S: Silly.

M: You don't have to worry about anything silly.

S: Silllyyyy...

M: So you want the pink pulse in your head.

S:  [needier] Yes.


In my head.

M: You have to say and nod yes.  Anyone who wants the pink pulse has to say and nod yes.

S: Yes.

M: You know its going to stay in your head.

S: Yes.

M: You know it makes you controlled.

S: Yes.  Please.

M: You know it makes you a puppet.

S: Yes.  Please.

M: You know it makes you a mind slave.

S: Yes.  I need it.  I need it.

M: It's easy.  You just stare at it while it moves around....

S: Yes.

M: and when you look blank enough, I'll just lift it up.

S: Yes.

M: And - ooop - touch it right here at the base of your skull

S: ohhh... ohhh... oohhh... it...

M: It feels good.

S: ohhh... ohhh...

M: It doesn't hurt

S: It's good.  Oh..  It's - it's really good, I can't - no words.  Just good.  

M: It's a different kind of good.

S:  I can't - I can't stop smiling

M: You can't stop smiling.

M: It's a new kind of good.  

S: Smiling.

M: The pink pulse goes is the back of your head, and it keeps... sparking.

S: Sparkling....

M: Sparkling and sparking.

You can feel it. 

You can feel it in your head.

You can feel it

S: Pulse



M: Sparkling

S: Sparkling.

M: It's an obedience machine.

It's really simple.

S: Sim - ple.

M: That's right [NAME]- simple.

The pulse stays in your head - and those pretty pink feelers keep dancing.

They're dancing in your head.

S: Dancing...  they're dancing.

M: It's a simple dance.  

It's very effective.

One feelers touches your pleasure center.

S: ohhhh ohhh




M: It's stroking now

S: Please ... keep ... pulsing

Can't... I need the pulse

M: When a pulse touches your reward circuit - you get addicted really quickly.

You're an addict in minutes.

And if you keep listening, and keep the pulse in your head - 

S: Addict.

M: You're going to be an addict too.

S: Happy

M: That's one of the first things the pink pulse does.

I decide what thoughts feel good now.  I tell the pink pulse where in your head to stroke

S: Stroke...

M: And that thought gets tied to so much pleasure, you don't have any choice.

S: I need it.

M:  You're already becoming an addict.

S: I need it.

M : You're already becoming my addict.

S: I need you.

M: It feels sparking good.

S: ...good

M: It feels deep brain good

S: My brain...

M: It keeps pulsing.

M: Being an addict is so much easier.  Deciding is stressful.  You don't want that.  You don't want to decide anymore.  When you're my slave addict, you don't decide.  

S: Don't decide.

M: Obedience automatically feels sparkly good.

S: Sparkly good.

M: You don't decide anymore.  The pulse decides, and you feel happier than you've felt.  No stress.

S: no stress

just yes

M: No worries

S No stress

just yes

M: That's all over now.  You just need to smile.. and feel the pulse.

M: Now that I'm inside your head, I'm going to be making a few change to what feels good.

I want you to imagine something you find really shameful.

Sexually shameful.  

It embarrasses you.

But that pulse?  It keep sparking.  It keep making the pleasure deeper when you think about it.  

You won't be able to stop.  

S: can't stop

M: I won't even tell them what the pulse had you do, [NAME].  I'll let everyone guess.  You'll never be the same again, though.

S: Never

M: That pulse is taking your shame - that shame that drifted into your head - and it's making it an obsession.

Don't worry, puppet.

S Puppet.

M I won't let it get toooo deep.  We have a lot of games to play with your head, and I want to be able to take you in public without you, you know.

Losing control.

S: Control.

M: It's my control now.  And you love my control.  I think you always did, but the pulse... well, it decides what you need now.

S: Need.  I need.

M: Now, I can turn your pulse down.  Way down.

M: When that pulse is fast - your whole mind dissolves.

S: ohhh

M: It melts.

S: Melting

M: But when I turn that pulse down... it lets you think.  You can be - well, you can pretend to be your own person.

S: Person.

M: It might take a few minutes, but...

Your mind pulls back together.

S: I can....

M: You can have words again.

S: Words.  I can have words.

M: Good.  You get words now.

M: I change some of those words around when you're pulsing buuut...

M: That comes later.

S: It comes later.

M: You come later.

S: I come later.

M: If you're lucky, whore.  But when your mind pulls back together, you can even remember.

S: I can remember.

M: We pulse in a few little changes to those memories, of course.

M: Remember when we first changed your name?

S: I can remember.

M: When you found your license, you were so confused.  I think you cried.

M: Good thing the pulse already trained you to cum when you cry.

S: It feels good when I cry.

M: It sure does.  It feels good for me.

M: We're going to wrap up tonight's Drop

S: drop

M: and we'll come back again soon to play with that pretty pink pulse inside your head.

M: Are you awake now?

S: Yes.

M: Are the listeners awake now?

S:  Yes - happy and awake.

M: We will see all you pulse addicts back in a week.  The pulse in your dreams isn't going to give you any choice.



i have been listening for like i dunno an hour or so and i love it. Amazing work as always, Neural Nets and Mistress Magenta.