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I took down Feather.  It's no longer available to the public.

Sorry, people felt it had lines they disliked.  I'm not really a FemDom person anyway, but wanted to mix it up, especially to stick it to the sincerely pro-patriarchy crowd.

Lemme know if there's some way to avoid such misunderstandings in the future!



Is there a way to get those files? I kind of liked the idea of them and wanted to listen. Sadly I waited to long.


Damn I never got to listen to it


To me it sounded like the issue was not simply the lines themselves but that they were clandestine. Posting scripts along with files could address that and as we all know, the haters are gonna hate. Glad I downloaded Feathers like 5 minutes after they posted. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to your next contribution to your contributors.


i did not listen, but seeing that it was FemDom, i wasn't really interested. I didn't mind it existing, though, just not my thing. I'm very into MaleDom, semi or non consensual scenarios.


I like to post scripts. Posting them simultaneous is kind of a spoiler, so I’m gonna find a way to do that that hides them.


Too bad. I definitely upped my Patreon contribution over it. Not that I even especially wanted it, because femdom does little for me. But I 100% wanted to support your work. It had a content warning. It was behind a paywall. Hopefully it can come back with a script so that if anyone doesn't want to risk it they can screen it before listening? For me? Please just fuck with my mind. I kinda prefer not always knowing the details. That is part of the fun and I'm down for it.


I'll try to do the script and new file - I'm just trying to get people to chill out right now. TBH, I hope it was worth the hype, damn


Would an "If you don't want your mind and life fucked with, best you walk away" warning cover it? ;)


Maybe like a link or something that requires some extra effort to get script but it is possible to see it at the same time the file goes up.


I think it's just best to do scripts. I kinda presumed the paywall was enough, but... what are you gonna do.


Who voiced it? ( I downloaded it befor you took it down, and i really like it )


I hope Neural doesn’t mind that I’m replying! I voiced feather. :)