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This is the second daily drop, featuring Candy and myself.  It's designed, obviously, for female toys.  It's half joking.  No, actually it's not.  But it helps if she thinks it's a joke until she doesn't make choices about her giggles.

I'm putting the Daily Drops on the Soundcloud, but archiving them here.  One Drop in - one Drop out.




So is the rest of the daily drop series on soundcloud?


OMG, that's so mean and hot! I feel really brainless when I look down. ^^


So many good elements here. A seed planted in fertile ground will keep growing and growing...


Probably not the smartest of questions, but are headphones necessary or can these be played in the background as well. My wife is enjoying the hypnosis, but she can’t listen for long because headphones hurt her ears. Great work btw! Haven’t found anything like this!


That's actually a super smart question. I think headphones are useful. I don't think they're totally necessary. I've personally found that cars are really good for binaural effects without headphones because they're enclosed spaces. The ideal is being situated between two speakers - headphones are that, cars achieve it. If you have a dungeon room, just put the restraint chair between the speakers and figure out a good but probably not painful volume before hand.


It doesn't really work that way. I'm a man, I'm powersexual, but I'm mostly into women and I'm not any more into dudes for having listened. I listen all the time. folks can appreciate - "wow it's hot that they're doing this" - without identifying - "hey I also want to be a brainless person" Some guys discover that they are into things like that - but I think that's more self-discovery than maniulation


Totally makes sense 👍😊