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This is the haptic version of the Boundary track. It is only available on the premium tier.

It's the same content and cast as Boundary, but optimized for haptics. That interface is through XToys.

The design is simple. While there's background buzz and effects, the primary vibrator keying is to my voice.

That's an easy design. Two ideas follow.

First, this merits an additional content warning. If you consistently use a vibrator that respond to my voice, the training is real.

Secondly, if you want to do that with someone ELSE'S voice, like in a kink relationship, that's eminently doable. Email me at bimbovirus@gmail.com. If twenty or more people display interest, I'll do an audio tutorial with screenshot reference diagrams.



Spacey Lackadaisy

The haptics on this file and Joypad don't work. There's no third track/channel in the files if I open them in Audacity. When I plug them into the tease, I can hear the weird noises that I usually hear if I play the other m4a files in an audio player. So I think it just wasn't exported in the proper format from Audacity or whatever software you use? Loved the regular track though!