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This extends the mantric mindworms of Manduhluhs.

It is scheduled for rapid casting and release, as The Acceleration continues.  The 48 hour clock is still in full effect.  (I release a script or original audio production once every 48 hours.)

This works very well with haptics, so I’ll be reserving a day to catch up on haptic programming!

Manduhluhs are obedience training thoughts that loop.  You can say or think one thought all day, blanking out the rest of your thoughts.

“Please tell me I’m pretty” is a good example.  If you start it, you can continue the repetition.

Semantic satiation sets in quickly.  When it does, words stop meaning things – they’re noises you make with your mouth.  This dovetails with scenes and training.

The return to some of the basic looping patterns here makes the field MUCH more open for acting. Please contact me if you're confident and wish to do voice acting for this!



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