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I’ve done a lot of high concept for a while; I’m getting back to horny basics.  More dreamy poetry, less narrative prose.  I like both, but it’s been a bit NPR.  Let’s go back to the source, like the early files.

I’m going back to the mantra vision of Dumb Bell.  I’m combining it with the Alphabimbo mindworm.  We intend to recode submissive letter memories.  Each letter triggers a mantra loop.  This is A through L.

Each letter is tied to a Manduhluh.   I’m calling circular mantras that.  Mandala does mean “circle” in Sanskrit, so it fits.  The last word of a manduhluh is the first word, so you can keep repeating infinitely.  I cheated a little on K, but Korrupted Innocence is such a star that I consider it an homage.

I’ve done these before.  Ouroboros is a file example.  That’s a punishing word to spell or remember, though.  I want this remembered.

To help zone out with these for long periods of time, I’m versioning in two ways.

1.      Intro vs looper.  I’ll produce a brief intro, with masc, fem, and TTS variations.  One version – probably the most popular one – will get straight to the manduhluhs, no intro.

2.      Haptic conditioning.  Pavlov makes the best toys.  I’ll help.  Some versions will be released in association with XToys.  One will make your vibe go off when you hear the bell.  One  will do voice recognition, so you babble to get your cummies.  (This is real and tested, not a hornyfic.)

If you’re interested in voice acting, this one is easy for all levels.  Mantra files I make use a series of voices, so the listener can sink into repetition and lose themselves entirely.  I look for fem voices.  That’s my interest.  I also have a masc voice.  It’s pretty good and conveniently located in my throat. 

If you feel underconfident in your voice, though, I am not able to help much.  (That’s especially true given my new 48 hour clock.)

If you want to VA, contact me on tumblr – neuralnetsprettypatterns – on Discord – minderase – or on Tumblr.  https://www.tumblr.com/neuralnetsprettypatterns  I normally don’t accept DMs on tumblr.  I will if you’re into voice acting in the project!

I hope you enjoy the shift back.  Complexity is good, but simplicity is needed too.



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