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Basically, those pages are scenarios that cancelled because of some reasons like : too hard to render, illogical, etc...

Scenario 1:

At first, after Jessie blew her parents from Janet's hand, I want to make them blown away to Janet's shirt and stuck on her body between her cleavage. Then they will struggle to climb her boobs to get out from her shirt. Eventually, they will reach the (I don't know the exact word for it) hole in shirt near Janet's armpit, or in other words, they reached Janet's armpit. Then, they decided to go to Janet's hand. While they're trying to reach her hand, Janet and Jessie decided to change the cars back to normal (just like in the original ending). Jack and his wife managed to reach Janet's hand when Janet and Jessie were already in the garage. Jack knew that they can grow back to their normal size if they can get in the car (which one of it was held by Janet's right hand) before Janet put the car in the floor and grow it back, so Jack and his wife climbed Janet's fingers to reach the car. Jack's wife managed to get in to the car first, then she tried to help Jack to get in the car. But, Jack failed to climb in and fell to the ground. Janet put the car on the floor and step back with Jessie, then she took her phone and aim the phone to the shrunken cars. Jack immediately stood up and ran to the car, his wife was rooting for him to run faster before Janet grow the cars back. But Jack couldn't make it, suddenly Jack's wife grew along with the car back to normal size, meanwhile Jack was still tiny. Jack was still running, he is beside of the gigantic car's door right now. Panicking, Jack's wife opened the door and took a step to outside, but that one step crushed Jack. She's unaware that her first step has killed her husband.

Scenario 2:

This time, the parents were blown away back to the table. Jessie spotted them on the table and thought that she must get rid of those bugs, so she slammed her hand to the table. Luckily, the parents could dodge it, but they realized that their daughters didn't ware that they're their parents. They decided to get back to the car so they can get away faster with it. Jack started the car and hit the gas, in panic, they didn't know where they should go, so Jack just go straight toward to Janet's body. Janet realized that those bugs are her parents, because there is no way that bugs can drive a car. Janet told Jessie the truth and told her to take the phone and grow it back to normal. Jessie took the phone, open the app, and lock the aim to the car, she was ready to grow the car back to normal. The car was going in full speed, it reached the end of the table and jumped to the ground. Janet tried to catch them with her hands. In such a chaos, Jessie realized something, that if she grow the car right now, it will become too heavy for Janet and it could injure or even kill her sister. In panic, instead of not doing anything or grow the car, she shrunk the car even more smaller. Jessie apologized for her panic action and told Janet why she did that. Janet tried to offer a solution for her parents. Meanwhile, Jack and his wife came back to their senses, but they didn't know where were they at that time. Their view was fulled by a wide and long cream-coloured ground. Back to Janet, she realized that the car and her parents were running on her right arm at that time, she could feel it, but she couldn't see them because they were so tiny. So, she set a 'meeting point' for her parents. First, Janet said that she already know that they (parents) were shrunken and told them that they were on her arm right now, and she believed that they could hear her voice. Then, Janet said to her parents to reach her shoulder as a meeting point, so she could spot them, and then she would try to grow them back. Janet knew that it will took a long time for her parents to reach her shoulder, if her calculation was right, her arm would be like 200 kilometers long for her parents.

After some couple hours, Janet didn't felt them anymore, it means that they already reached her shoulder. Jessie took a magnifying glass and after a while she spotted them. They were so freaking tiny, the car size itself was just like a tiny flea, she couldn't imagine the size of her parents. The parents relieved and thought that they were saved. She pointed Janet's phone to the tiny car and tried to select the car, but the app couldn't recognize it as a thing, Jessie whispered to Janet to tell her that the app couldn't do a thing to change them back. It was hard, but they had to make a decision. Janet whispered to Jessie to take a tiny fish bowl in her room, she told Jessie to shrunk it to the size of a tiny marble. At this moment, Jessie already knew what will her sister do to her parents, and she agreed with it. Janet spoke softly to her parents, so they wouldn't freak out after they heard the truth. Janet told them that they were already too small, they couldn't grow back to their normal size, but she also said that they didn't neet to worry, she and her sister would take care of them. The parents just didn't believe and couldn't accept the truth, they tried to ran away to find another solution, but suddenly a very gigantic finger lifted them up. Janet took the car from her shoulder very slowly and carefully. Jessie came back with a tiny marble-sized fish bowl on her hand. Janet tilted the car and shook it so her parents fell off from the car. They landed on the tiny fish bowl on Jessie's hand. Jessie take a look at them, they were just like 2 tiny dusts running around in that tiny fish bowl, If they didn't move, she wouldn't be able to distinguish which one is her parents, which one is the real dust. Janet said to her parents that she and her sister would feed them daily just like a real pet. Jack and his wife just freaking out, meanwhile Jessie took the tiny fish bowl and put it in her room between her toys.

That's all, sorry for bad English, I hope you guys can understand it. Have a nice day!




Thanks for sharing. Some of those alternate scenarios sound really cool, especially the second one. There isn't enough body exploration at extremely small sizes like this, IMO. You render extreme micro better than almost anyone else I've seen, so I hope one of your future series will allow your micro people to explore a giantess's body up close!


Also, the word you're looking for for "the hole in the shirt near the armpit" is probably "the seam" :)


Also, I'm not sure what you have planned for your future series, but I would love to see you try something with multiple different sizes of shrunken people. That way, you can have more complex interaction with extremely micro people that would normally be impossible, and it provides a lot of interesting power dynamics and character relationships, especially when someone is giant compared to some characters but micro compared to others.


that sounds interesting, I would like to use it in another series! Thanks for the idea