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Next update: Thursday



Aaron Pk

Do you think we will potentially see vore in this comic?


I still don't have any vore scene rendered as good food props are hard to find and posing an eaten food is a little bit tricky. I have some vore scenarios in mind but I can't promise anything right now

Aaron Pk

I’m not sure which program it is that you particularly use to do your work, but I know plenty of animators on deviantart whom know of and have done food and stomach scenarios, such as Unseenharbinger, openhighhat, unawareenthusiast, and thewiking2000 to name a few


Yes, I am aware. I've done a couple of vore scenes myself. But to be honest, not a fan of unaware vore myself especially when I have to pose a food prop in certain ways (like bitten, chopped, slurped, etc)

Aaron Pk

Oh yeah I can imagine that is a tedious process. It’s important that you are doing what you like because this is your art and should always be retaining your style. I was just mentioning this because by far my favorite comic of yours was Swimming Incident, even though I remember you mentioning you didn’t actually use a stomach model I just loved that comic all around :)