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One day, Florence and her brother were just laying around with nothing to do. They were looking for something fun to do.

Brother : Hey, I'm bored, do you have any interesting idea?

Florence : I don't know, let's go to the basement, I think we can find something interesting there, dad is a chemist, and he stored his potions there.

They went to the basement, there are many potions there.

Brother : Be quiet, Dad isn't in house right now but mom is upstairs in her room, we don't want to get caught playing with dad's potions.

Florence : Okay, let's see, there are so many potions right here.

Brother : Leave it to me, I will choose the one can be interesting to use. Let's see...Color changer potion.. Nah it's boring...Sleep potion, concentration potion, relaxing potion.... Boring...

Florence : How about this one? Shrinking potion!

Brother : Oh, this one looks interesting, let's take it and bring it to your room!

Florence : Alright, shall we drink it together?

Brother : Wait, if we both shrunk and mom come into this room and she can't find anybody in this room, she will be suspicious, it will be safer if you stay in normal size, and if mom ask about me, you can make an excuse about me.

Florence : Okay, that sounds good

Brother : Okay, here we go *Drink half of the potion*

Florence's brother's body is starting to shrink until he reached 5 cm tall.

Brother : Wow, this is amazing! Everything looks very huge from down here! I always want to try run around the house as much as I want!

Florence : Hey brother, I want to have fun too

Brother : Oh right, let's play something that I can run freely and you can be involved too.

Florence : I know, how about a contest? I will lay down, you climb my body and try to reach my head in 10 minutes. If you can, you win, but if you can't, you lose.

Brother : Deal! Let's do this!

Florence laid down, her brother climbed his sister's giant feet, walked through her leg, passed through her body, and reached her head easily.

Brother : Yeah! I win! It's too easy!

Florence : It's not fair! You are still big enough, maybe if you were smaller I doubt you can win..!

Brother : Challange accepted! Maybe if I drink the potion again, I can become smaller!

Florence : Okay, let's try it!

Florence picked up the bottle of potion, she poured the potion into a small bottle cap and let her brother drink it.

He shrunk even more, about 3 cm tall.

Brother : It's working! You know what? I will drink the rest of it! I want to become smaller!

Florence : Are you sure? What if you become too small so I can't find you anymore?

Brother : Just give me the rest of the potion, there's nothing to worry about

Florence refill the bottle cap again and again until the potion is empty, then florence's brother became around 1 cm tall.

Brother : See? I'm about 1 cm tall, you still can see me clearly right?

Florence : Not really, but I'm afraid when you climbed my body, I can't feel you anymore, so I don't know when you reached my head/

Brother : Let's test it, pick me up!

Florence picked up her brother and put him on her shoulder, he jumped and ran around his sister's shoulder.

Brother : Do you still feel my foot on your shoulder?

Florence : Well, it feels like a spider crawling on my shoulder, but I still can feel it.

Brother : Okay, I'm ready for round two!

Florence picked him up and put him on the floor, then she laid down with her feet in front of her brother.

Florence : Ready? Go!

Florence's brother started to climb her gigantic feet, it's much harder in that size, but somehow he managed to climb her feet and ran over her leg. He reached his sister's shorts, jumped and reached her stomach. Looking for more challange, he jumped on to his sister's hand and used his sister's arm as another route. Suddenly, he shrunk even more! The potion effect is delayed! He became like about 0.1 cm tall.

Brother : Oh no, I'm become smaller, I hope Florence can still see me.

Florence : (Wait, I can't feel my brother as clear as before, I know he was on my arm, but suddenly he seems like dissapear. I still can feel him, but he's like a tiny ant climbing my arm.)

Florence : Brother, what happened to you? Did you fall from my body?

Brother : Florence, I'm on your arm! I'm become smaller!

Florence can't hear him anymore, because he's too small.

Florence worried about her brother, she knew last time she felt him was on her arm, so she raised her arm and flipped it to see it closely. He managed to grab to a hair on Florence's arm. He was backflipped, hoping that her sister would find him. But she couldn't. He couldn't hold it anymore, then he fall into his sister's mouth.

Florence felt something like a tiny speck fell into her mouth, then she realized it was her brother. She put her finger around her mouth to find him, but it's too hard. Then accidentally, she gulped. She realized that she has swallowed her brother. She can felt him still moving in desperate trying to climb her throat, but of course it's no use. She froze for a minute, trying to understand what just happened to her brother, she inmagined her brother's postition in her stomach, very dark, smelly, and of course he can be disgested just like another food.

Luckily, Florence's mom is a digestion doctor, she ran to her mother's room and told her what just happened.

Mom : You what? You swallowed your brother? You used your dad's potion to have fun by shrinking your brother?

Florence : It's his idea! Can we save the talk later? We need to get him out from my stomach!

Mom : When I told you to cough, try to cough as hard as you can.

Florence's mom massages Florence's body and Florence coughed as hard as she can.

Mom : Okay, that's enough, now open your mouth.

She searched around Florence's mouth and found her son on Florence's tounge.

Mom : Here he is, I will pick him up, it seems like he's still unconcious.

She picked up Florence's brother tiny body with a tweezers and put him on her fingertip.

Mom : *sigh* look at your brother, he's so tiny, what you and what your brother did was very dangerous, luckily he's still alive. I hope this can be a lesson for both of you.

Florence just keep silence while seeing her tiny brother unconcious on her mother's fingertip. He's so tiny, even smaller than an ant on her mother's fingertip.

Florence : "Yes, I'm sorry"

Mom : Now, go back to your room, since your brother drank all of the potion, it is possible for him to shrunk even smaller, for now I will keep your brother on an object glass for microscope, in case if I can't see him with naked eye anymore. We need to wait for dad to bring us the growing potion, well it's okay, since I must teach your brother a lesson too, and it is much easier to do it with him in this size.



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