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Priest Tier Reward for Nyx

It is rare that we receive wishes that aren’t as grandiose as requesting great riches, fame, or some matter of control over the hearts of others, however Miss Nyx certainly made such a request this month. She mentioned how she was tired of playing games from ‘Massively Effective’ series and was even more frustrated that a new game hadn’t come out in years (even longer for a ‘good one’ according to her). So, her request was to play a game in the same universe that was more immersive and had a story more absorbing than any of the others that came before.

To be honest, we were confused when she seemed unhappy with her results. We modeled her after one of the most popular aliens in the game and even created a pocket dimension inside her console that she’d be free to explore in... we had to turn of the display after she kept repeating something about the ‘Reapers’ or something... sigh, nothing makes us feel more old than when the mortals start talking about new contraptions. First it was lightbulbs, and now video games...




Woot agree with Nyx, and already has a perfect Asari name

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-02-27 20:29:03 Oh my God! <3 Just one of those days where you go to bed a vampire, and wake up an Asari! I love the pierced crests!
2019-06-04 17:16:01 Oh my God! <3 Just one of those days where you go to bed a vampire, and wake up an Asari! I love the pierced crests!

Oh my God! <3 Just one of those days where you go to bed a vampire, and wake up an Asari! I love the pierced crests!