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The girl fidgeted with a few tresses of hair, "Uhm... I'm... I'm sorry," she flustered as her hazel eyes looked around. "What... what was the question?" She chuckled softly, her eyes kept turning to the ocean, the waves, escape... escape? that was an odd word for that feeling... when she was in the curl, the wave wrapping around her... she felt... like she was part of the Ocean.

"Atlantis, dear," the lavender haired woman repeated with an enigmatic smile, "I was asking if you knew where it was?" She purred.

The girl looked out towards the Sea, eyes peering passed the horizon a moment before they returned inland, "Oh, right, the Atlantis Resort," she smiled and pointed up a path, "Just a mile up through there and you should be at the lobby," she smiled, adjusting her grip on her board. 

"Aww, thank you, dear," the woman seemed oddly pleased about the answer... almost a look of triumph slipping over her lips. Orina shrugged and made her way towards the beach to meet up with her friends. What a weirdo... even for a tourist... she didn't notice the woman was no longer behind her.

