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Priest Tier for Crimson Wyvern

Recently, our Priestess in R&D, Miss Helen, has found herself the subject of several backfiring experiments. While her research has been invaluable to the Society's causes in transformation and manipulation, it is unfortunate that she never is quite herself when it comes time to reap her rewards and honors. Her most recent experiment, researching and testing the toxicology of a rare Non-Euclidean Kraken, we've dubbed Herbert West, has yielding some amazing data on the rather expansive amount of status-effects one can garner from a simple touch of its venomous tentacles. While we did find her enthralled and lost to the writhing, wriggling influences, we are happy that she at least documented her research through extensive notes and observations BEFORE entering the holding chamber.

In honor of her achievements, the Council decided to give her her heart's desire... which, as of the moment of the honor, was to stay bound with her beloved 'Herbie.'



Sam Mann

*Sigh* We loose more researchers that way...


*nod nod* A great nod to the good Dr West.