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Happy Post Turkey Day and First Day of the Christmas Crawl in which every radio, mall, and town square become ever playing reminders of the oncoming stress attack that was the Winter Holiday Season.

In light of an unexpected delay (The Turkey Tired hit me rather hard and I couldn't make it home to my workbench until this morning), I'll be extending the Poll period on through Sunday morning. I'd also like to hear from y'all any ideas on how to improve my Patreon in the coming months. Ways to entice folks in, make my darling Society members happy, and perhaps work out some sort of Monthly event to add to the roster in light of the Raffle's sad discontinuation.

In any case, Happy Holidays and let's make some lewd TF art!


Nichole O'Conner

Oh, I really hope you keep that Death Note one around if it doesn't win this time!

A Big Guy

Maybe the sketch upgrade poll suggested a while back could become a monthly event until we hit that stretch goal, where it would become weekly? In terms of attracting new patrons, you could maybe post on your DA some of the older patron exclusive sketches, sort of show people what they’re missing? I personally wouldn’t mind some older ones losing their exclusivity. Mentioning that if more folks join up they could have some input into getting those sketches finished might drive new patrons, too.