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 Rumors have been spreading that a new priest has finally arisen and  shown her face, well more accurately her mask, around these parts. She  can be found around the labs but a large amount who come by to try and  find out more about her find themselves subject to her experiments.  There has been one rumor that has been spread about her though, the  rumor that she made a deal with the Lord of the Society. What the deal  entails only the lord and she knows. Just be careful of her alchemic  concoctions or you may be a part of her next experiment which can lead  to anything from being a mindless bimbo to being yet another animal  roaming the halls. 

"It still astounds me that we have so many scientists in our employ. The truly depraved acts ones would perform just for a well-stocked lab and the Society's resources..."

-Lord Modeus, with a smile




I wonder who will be my first test subject.