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"Who are you?"

The question seemed so  simple, so basic, yet for some reason the girl couldn't summon a  response or find her voice. She remembered bits and pieces, she  remembered her job at the Daily Planet in Metropolis... as an intern...  no... a reporter... wasn't she too young?

"Oh  my, such a strong Will power," the woman spoke again. She looked  familiar, her face kind yet her eyes looked like... a predator's...  "Come on now, what is your NAME?" She asked again... The Baroness...  yes, that's who the woman was...

Clara Kent  shook her head, her hair growing out as the strange pink stone around  her neck made her skin itch. Where had she gotten it from? From Lois?  From a boyfriend? Her mind felt so jumbled as she tried to focus.

"Damn...  not even the Amazon was this much trouble... Lord Modeus was right,"  the woman grumbled to herself, "That little trinket was certainly  necessary..."

Clara touched the stone, it felt  electric to her fingertips... it burned... but she could sense the pain  fading. Shouldn't it hurt more? She remembered her last encounter with  Red Kryptonite was very... very... and the memory slipped through her  fingers once more. She noted her hands, they looked odd... when did she  put on the nail polish? Lois always said that girls should only wear  black polish when in mourning... preppy old bitch... no, that's not what  she thought. She loved Lois like an older sister... she... was her  older sister? She held her head. She suddenly felt something she had  never felt before... she felt weak.

"Oh dear,  you don't seem well... Having trouble adjusting to your new form?" The  Baroness purred, "That morsel of Red is doing wonders to your  resilience. Just a little extra effort and I can guide your mutation to  my design. And then, once I'm done, that stone will keep you in the  shape I leave you in," Her smile was cruel, the soft voice betraying her  villainous intent.

Clara Lane shivered, what  was this lady's problem? She was just going to see her sister at her  internship... at the Daily Planet... Clara tried to focus, trying to  remember... Lois was a reporter... no... a secretary... an internship  for college... The memories began to come back into focus, but they  almost felt... unfamiliar. She had to fight this... she didn't know  what, but she knew she had to fight. She stared up at the woman, her  eyes burned... one shot... one... she rubbed her eyes, stupid  contacts... always made her eyes itch... But Jimmy was going to be at  the Planet... he was pretty cute, for a paper boy... maybe they could  get a soda or something when he went out for...

The Baroness smiled, "There you are..."

Clara  looked up, who had she been talking to? She brushed her bangs out of  her eyes, her sister was right, she was really spacing out lately. Lois  said it was a crush or something... No way! Besides, daddy said she  couldn't date anyone until she was 16... three weeks... Maybe Jimmy  would come to her party. She blushed and hid her smile as she made her  way to the Daily Planet, her lucky necklace sparkling around her neck.
