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The samurai let out another low grunt, the shrill cries of a young woman already lost to the bestial snorts of a rutting sow. He had been a strong adversary, a long time fighter against the rival clan. He spoke of their animal husbandry and natural affinities with such brutish remarks, 'horse fuckers' or 'pig fuckers,' being his favorite arrows to sling in combat. The irony of the latter was not coincidence. 

The clan called upon a certain Society for help, an old group of magic users that seemed to be around for ages. Their hands seemed to leave fingerprints on many events through time... They knew how to stop the skirmishes, how to end the military might of the enemy samurai. However, they required a price, a payment that may not be credited for generations, but once asked for it would have to be paid. And the deal was struck...

It was by the light of the second New Moon that the Society fulfilled their promise. They dragged her into the Shogun's chamber and pushed her to the earth. She moaned and gasped, her body still aching from the first stage of her humiliation. The two society soldiers said nothing as they stood opposite the doorway, veiled in armor as dark as night, faces hidden as the moon.

"Is this him?" The shogun asked, noting the enemy's armor still on the girl, though loose with her loss of muscle and might. The soldiers only nodded, but the Shogun did not question further. "You have wronged my clan for years, samurai..." He spoke with hatred, though a hint of reverence spiked into his tone. "Your fate need not go further... in this form you are no threat to us. I can offer you comfort, you are no warrior now, but you could make a fine bride for one of my sons..." His voice held no anger, only an even tone. He acknowledged the warrior the woman had once been, however the woman only laughed.

"You mean to make me... a wife to some pig fucker?" She laughed, though strained, her insides still in twists from new anatomy. "I'd rather die by the sword of a coward like you than submit to such a horrid fate..." Her tone was confident, even when facing her expected end. 

The shogun shook his head, "Pity... such a waste to lose such beauty..." He nodded to the dark soldiers. The act was fast, deliberate, and for a moment painless. The samurai felt a pressure against her neck... then a burning.

"POISON!!? Have you not the honor to kill me yourself!?" She almost laughed, but the pain began intensifying quickly. "I die at your feet, undefeated... not one member of your damned clan could best me... None could SNORT!!" Her voice caught in her throat as a rasping grunt escaped her lips.

"It was no poison, samurai," The shogun chided calmly, "At least not one that would take your life," the samurai coughed and wheeze, her armor feeling tight against her form... as if she were growing thicker. "It's undeniable that your strength in combat was unmatched, your military strategy unbeatable," there was a clang as some of the armor began to fall away and reveal dull, pink flesh, "But those days are behind us now... Now you will be no threat to my Clan," The samurai squealed as her hips and ass bucked, tearing through her armor as her doughy flesh rippled. A curled tail pushed out above her rear as her ears stretched, forcing her ancestral helm from her head.

"Wh-What Have you SQUEEEEE DONE?!" She demanded in terror as she watched her nose grow into her vision, turning up into a sow's snout. 

"You were offered mercy... I gave you the option to submit and stay as part of our clan. You would have been treated fairly, given a new identity, and given the same respect we offer all our maidens. But you refused... So you shall bear the punishment for your arrogance."

"N-No... Puh-GRUNT please..." Her pride and confidence failing as she felt her fat teats push away her armor, bearing her nipples to the cold ground.

"You denied my first offer, so here is the second..." The shogun continued, deaf to the woman's pleas, "You will become part of the clan still, but as a brood sow, a beast of breeding. Our hogs are virile and you will surely be mated before the sun can see your new form," The thought of being mated sickened her... but what sickened her more was the distant thought beneath the pain that felt excited at the prospect.

"N-no..." She managed as her hair began to fall from her shifting head, her hands shifting and cramping as they became clumsy trotters, no longer fit to wield her family's sword. 

"You said no one in my clan could best you... and if we were speaking of the battlefield and your old form, you'd be correct," the samurai grunted as her legs popped and realigned to better hold herself up, "But we are speaking of a sty and the sow you are to become... you have not known combatants more eager than our clan's hogs when they smell a sow in heat," there were already notable grunts from outside. The samurai's shifting snout had picked up a strange musk since her armor had fallen off... and now she knew what it was.

"You can't! Please I'll RHEEE I'll do- RHEEE SNORT I'll do whatever you wish!!" She squealed as only shreds of her armor remained, her head was growing hazy as she stared up at the shogun. "I... I will submit to your men... be their concubine... just... just don't do this..." She begged.

"I'm sorry my dear..." The shogun shook his head, "But there are no pig fuckers in my clan," with that, the samurai could not retort. Her words had left her, and the meaning of those words soon followed. Where the woman had once knelt, a grunting fat sow now snuffed and grunted. She sniffed at her armor, not with longing or sadness, but in search of food. She lapped up her hair and some of the cloth that her girth had left of her uniform. The shogun waved his hand and the sow was ushered out to the sty where, as promised, she was quickly taken by the Hogs, disappearing among the mounds of flesh, just another pig.

The shogun was silent a moment, before turning to the Society's soldiers, "You have done as you promised," he held out a satchel of gold, "Your payment is-" but the two were gone. Vanished without a trace... The shogun looked around, still holding the gold. The debt hadn't been repaid... but...no... no gold could pay for this transaction. The society would come to collect one day... and on that day, the shogun would learn the price...



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