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The green girl giggled as she twirled a tress of blue-green hair. No, fight it Jenn! This isn't you! The voice in her head yelled out. Right... she... she was a hero... and, and she had to stop The- Uhm... the....

She looked towards the woman in front of her... she looked familiar... but... She rubbed her head, "Like, do you REALLY think I could get into the Sorority?" She spoke in a voice she didn't recognize.

The woman smiled, almost mischievously, "Of course darling! I mean, even though you're a Freshman..." Jennifer felt a tightness all over her body as she shrunk a few inches, her bountiful curves regressing slightly, "And your GPA isn't the best..." she then felt her mind grow hazy, eyes sparkling as they noticed the pretty butterfly flying nearby. "I think you would be an excellent candidate for this Sorority," the woman chuckled as Jennifer snapped back o attention.

"Like, OMG, that's SOOOO amazing! I've always wanted to join a Sorority! It's like, ALL I could think about my Senior year of Highschool!" Senior year... that was last year, right? Why did it feel like decades behind her? 

THIS ISN'T YOU!!! It was the voice again... some old woman, maybe 30 or something, ugh she sounded like Jennifer's mom... She noticed the woman talking again.

"Of course, that's only if you don't mind drinking and partying with the hot young Frat guys... Oooo, they would just eat a little Freshman like you right up!" The woman grinned watching the young coed squirm a little at that. "Especially if you keep showing off that exotic green skin of yours," The woman laughed. 

"Okies! I will go sign up right now!! Thank you Miss- Uhm..."

"Baroness... you can just call me Ms. Baroness," she chuckled waving, watching the last of the mighty hero's uniform shift to a form-hugging outfit, wrapped around the little tease. 

"That's three..." she cooed before disappearing.



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