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Our priests have been diligent in the study and development of more holistic changes. This young woman, Sam, has been hit with just a small aromatherapy bomb that held a concentrated Skunk secretion. While subject's initial reaction was one of disgust and revulsion, she soon began to succumb to the musk. As the changes ravaged her form, she quickly began to 'enjoy' her shifting form. Gasps and moans began to give way to yips and pants. The change was a bit slower than we would like, though the Priest that helped develop this was certainly enjoying the show. It's true, sometimes the Council forgets that one mustn't rush an artful display, lest you lose it's true value. 

The Priest is wise...




True art comes naturally. If you rush art then it will be sloppy and ugly. Besides the joy of art is watching it transpire.