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Coming back from an errand, you and your gamer girlfriend try to play a game that she’s been playing for a couple of months, she decided to teach you how the game works, with nothing else to do, you bite in and give it a try, As a non gamer (Or so she thought) , will you be able to play the game, know it’s meta and be good at it, or will you get tilted not by the other players but by the game itself?


Script credit goes to: IDKSnufkin

Logo Design by:  Ibnuhawari | Fiverr

Profile Picture by: KaoiSheep | Etsy

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♡ Sage Otsuka

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♡ Dwarfman63

Thank you for the love and support, mwah~




Game night is always such a fun date time. Especially when it's a game I'm not into but my partner is, or the other way around. Even more so with a bit of teasing. Great job today ria. Can't wait for the other audios too cutie <3


Riiiight? Romance tastes better when anime or video games are involved.. I'm such a nerd haha! Thank you, hun~ always a pleasure to share with you lovelies my sussy audios hehe♡