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As I have been enjoying doing both of sleep aid, yandere and spicy content I decided to spoil you this month as well with 9 exclusive Patreon audios and 10 public ones on Youtube.

Thank you SO MUCH for supporting what I love doing the most! I feel grateful, lucky and I couldn't ever wish for a better community ♡

Practicing voice acting, recording and editing is literally the best part of my day which I usually do before going to bed and reading your comments and feedback every morning is such a mood boost hehe~

i'm working on a loooot of mini projects with so many amazing artists to rebrand: Debut with a new 2D Vtuber model, a painted 2D background, stream pet, merch, panels, animated emotes, animated screens.. And more.

And I'm glad to share all progress with you here on Patreon till it's allll ready to go live YEY!

One last thing, there are so many ways free ways to support me, such as:

Following my socials.

Liking and leaving comments on my Youtube videos.

Clipping my Twitch live content.

Saying Hi whenever I'm live on: https://www.twitch.tv/rheasie

So, please don't feel obligated to offer financial support. And if you do, make sure you're capable of it and that you are the first priority~ ♡

Love you so much, my cuties:

♡  Waifu_Milk

♡ Lim

♡  Cvtvv

♡  Halhorn

♡  James

♡  Ehren

♡  Chow Man Tak

♡  weee wooo

♡  Lurkey_Loki

♡ KingSalty1604

♡ Joshua Loates

♡ Spekking

♡ MooseMasterLane

♡ The BalkanKing

♡ SucubusSlave

♡ Moon

♡ Left

♡ BigClumsyGerbil

♡ Azurath

♡ qf3lix

♡ Joey

♡ Darko

♡ Kieran

♡ TNCruncher

♡ UnluckyMii

♡ Admiral Brick
♡ Charles Carrillo


Shadow Saotome

Mwaaah! Upload later oooon~



Ooo thank you for the extra audios this month Ria! And I'm glad that we're able to make you so happy and you're able to do the things you love. Lots of support still for you in the future to come ❤️


Ayyy frijolita you little hardworker! All I want is for you to do what you love cause you're always making me POG so hard and I'm actually genuinely excited for what youre gonna do in the future! love ya and keep it up stinky <3