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Idk if it's "sexual" but it would still be harassment- at the very least rude. When people misgender trans people on purpose, it has nothing to do with "freedom of speech" or whatever constitutional bullshit they're trying to justify it with. Your life isn't going to turn upside down when you start respecting people's pronouns. It's just them being assholes and they probably have transphobic parents who are probably using the same excuse. White kids that say the n-word use basically the same reasoning- "it's just a word," "I should be able to say it too" "it's called free speech." Then you call them a cracker, cum skin, or mayo monkey and they implode lol. If you asked, "who does this belong to" and someone pointed to a person saying, "it belongs to them" or "they're over there", I don't think you're going to be like, "but that's only one person!" The plural use of "they/them" has been used for a while even though sometimes people act like Tumblr.com invented it in 2015. There are other words, but cis people complain about that too lmao (people complaining about things that don't effect them is amazing and brave). When it comes to trans issues, trying to cater it to cis people or making it easy for cis people to digest isn't going to help because there's always going to be some transphobe who has to complain regardless. Like damn, you can't say "they" instead of "she" or "he"? They're the same number of syllables and it's for one person lol. Your friend gets married and changes their last name, but saying a different pronoun is too hard to remember apparently. I live in Portland, you know how many pronouns and name changes I had to remember?


who cares what your pronuouns is keep it to yourself. dont demand we undo thousands of years of science because you want to be special


"Who cares what you are, I don't want to see that shit because people like you don't deserve respect. I'm going to use an excuse that makes it sound like I really care for the progress of humanity when in reality I'm just a bigot and I think adding in buzzwords like "science" will make it sound like I'm making a really good point." Yeah dude, you're really being forced when you have to say a different pronoun. Must be very traumatic for you and not at all for the trans people that get misgendered by people like you, assaulted, and ridiculed just for wanting people to respect them. Everyone, let's feel bad for this person because of all the trans people forcing him to not misgender them :(. This poor man is just trying to warn us that humanity will crumble if we have to call people by pronouns they want to be called by!


You know nonbinary or trans people aren't a 2012 invention and it's been around for much longer than you care to admit. You're basically the same people that tell gay people to keep it to themselves and that it's "not natural" because women should be having babies or whatever weird out-dated excuse people use to hide the fact they just hate gay people and don't really care about humanity's future. Trans and nb people aren't just cis people who want to be special, but you will never understand that. You'll never know what it's like to be trans or nonbinary not just because you're cis (...there are cis people that are educated, smart, and have empathy), but because you actually think the use of pronouns is setting science back as if you yourself don't use pronouns lmao. Is your pronoun not "he/him?" Or were you just so wrapped up in your ignorance and hate that you forgot EVERYONE, including straight and cisgender people use pronouns? I don't know how people like you aren't embarrassed admitting that you just don't think certain people don't deserve respect because of something you don't get. You don't get it, so your default is treating people like shit and excusing it on the sake of science? You sound like a really nice guy /s.

NI Hartley

Bruh but they're kids though. They do stupid shit. Do you really think they deserve all that shit over some stupid name calling.


ik this was 4 months ago but 2oV speaking fax. A big part of why I struggle with many issues is because people don't address/see me the way I would like. Like yes, it is crucial and the most important for ME to see who I am, know this is who I am, and be proud of it. Yet, every day when my dad calls me "she" it hurts a bit because I fought so hard to be comfortable with myself (still learning just a little better) and after going through mental hell and my dad witnessing the trauma of being called "she" is for me, still calls me it and says "oh you know me it's such a small thing to remember i forget" like yes ok but for how many years now. like bitch stfu u can remember. IDK man just sucks cuz I know if ppl around me were more understanding about my wanting to change I would feel even more confident and it wouldn't just be me telling myself every day that I shouldn't be ashamed for who I am and how I feel. and hey calling me they just mean you don't know what u gonna get lol, stay safe to anyone that reads this mwah.