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I get those car warranty scams all the time. They even sent a card through the mail. I almost got scammed through one because when I got it, I had just paid for my car and was dealing with a bunch of stuff so I thought it was just one more thing I had to take care. The guy on the phone was listing all the "benefits" and while he was talking, I wanted to look it up for future reference until I saw that the card didn't have a name. I looked up the number, saw it was a scam, and hung up before I gave my card info. In my defense, I was very stressed and tired. From the guy's end, it must've sounded like I did all that just to deliberately waste his time (at least I hope so) because I ended the call like "yeah, let me get my card" and just hung up after he was talking about all the "benefits" and the "discount" I was getting.


i couldnt even pay attention cause geo wouldn’t get off her phone. I kept screaming put that shit down 🤣


Jim Browning is a good YouTube channel that exposes these type scammers. A good watch if y’all interested


The story Steve told about he and Nikki trolling the scammer is on one of her vlogs.