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I worked all through the pandemic and got into an accident that now cost me my car and $12k and now I'm investing in trades from home so I now see where they are coming from.


The pandemic made a lot of people realize their jobs are expendable and low paying. Why would anyone want to go back to work in a restaurant or any other service industry?


Flip side, seems the inverse of the financial crisis. Leverage then was with employers and could hire for dirt cheap, now table's turned to favor employees, needing to hire at a premium. Either way though, once you've set a stream of income (job) and live within your means, please build up additional sources of income, preferably passive ones. ex: royalties from products, buying/selling assets, dividends from holding assets.


nahhh im with this article- I do my work just as well, if not better, at home. I think it is so uncessary to commute and spend all those hours and money to go back to the office. I still feel company culture, I think that depends on how the upper managements treat us with meetings and what not. This scenario might only work for desk jobs the more traditional 9-5 and maybe we don't necessarily care or need the extra fake "family" work culture either. At least for me


I'm with you too. Work gets done regardless of at home or at office. There's a reason why all the big tech companies in Silicon Valley are letting employees work from home forever. No productivity difference.


Totally agree with the article. I can fully do my job from home and my productivity has increased as well as meeting my sales goals, but my employer is still forcing everyone to return to the office.


It all depends on the company and the industry you work in. My company is looking to switch to a hybrid model (2 days WFH) that includes first come first serve type of seating. Other companies are going full remote. If you work with a good group of people and in a fun area, then yeah going to work is fun. But if your only concern is to do your work and collect paycheques, the WFH model just makes more sense. Employers should offer flexible work schedules and trust their employees to deliver.


But being stuck in an office... no sunlight, no windows, working 8 hours a day and the majority of the day we're not busy.


Pandemic or not, being one of the only people in a theatre is a great experience. I'm taking up 3 seats.


Did those companies and bosses mention how much they pay their workers or what the company is like, or is it these people would rather not go back to their office job regardless? Because there have been people that quit jobs during COVID because the company treated them like shit, then the company or managers involved act shocked because they think their workers are that desperate. There was one guy who was hiring and he had a decent starting wage and other benefits. To no one's surprise, he got offers.


California is still opening on the 15th


Pay for food and transport, waste time on commute but it’s worth coz i can now hustle and work harder at my job lmao.


I’m w joe I thought geo would be w the people


You can hustle from home where was one of there first off of jk flims at there homes


Seem like in a way geo siding w big Corporation y’all know them big companies don’t give shit about you take of your self because if you die they replace you in a heartbeat


Especially since she essentially did the same. But unlike other people, she has a choice and it's fine.


I have a technology business, when COVID started I decided to implement an internal video conference room for the team to log into when they are working. This created a virtual office environment with no invasion of privacy as people can turn off their screens any time. This allowed us to keep our company culture in isolating times like the pandemic, which in hindsight was the best decision I made.


I have been wfh for the last 5 yrs. it’s been eye opening to me as an introverted person. I am way less stressed and am way more productive. I no longer feel drained at the end of my work day from having to be around people. If I didn’t wfh, I don’t think I would have discovered JK. I had on YouTube dating horror stories to give me background noise and then one day Ask the Feels starts playing and it was like I suddenly had coworkers I could stand. Love you guys.


I don’t think it’s necessarily a “people don’t want to work” problem, but more of a “people don’t want to work jobs where they still have to scramble to pay bills”. We work to survive and if a job isn’t paying you enough to do that, why not resort to an option where you have less financial stress and are able to make ends meet.


I own a construction company of 15-20 employees and literally not one person has quit during covid.


Yes!!! Exactly!!! Not to mention—those jobs are usually ones where customers get to treat you like crap. People WANT to work, they just don’t want to be exploited.


probably cause they know the pay is good and there's always gonna be a job.


Honestly, I work better working from home because there’s less distractions. The commute is what kills me. I work close to dc but live about an hour away ( with traffic). I think they are only looking at this because they don’t have a normal 9-5 job at an office.


If people wanted to work, we would be have a different conversation


I prefer to work from home. I get all my work done actually even faster. I don’t have to deal with office politics and the commute time. I can work longer hours if needed since I am already at home. I don’t have all the distractions of the office some co worker can be so annoying with small talk. I say if the work is getting done the. Why can’t people work from home. I was kinda surprised at Geo response, so old fashion thinking