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I say yes it’s under attack. Imagine a world we’re all men just throw their hands up and say “I’m gonna be a stereotypical female with a man body”. Military-done, construction-done, everyone overly sensitive, someone threaten you, the man looks to the woman for protection,the list goes on. It’s about balance and new wave feminism is over correcting for the sake of what?


Yep it definitely is, us men also don’t have a “rite of passage” anymore like in the past. We don’t have a path to follow on or have mentors guide us to be the best versions of ourselves. The whole timid and inability to take action and speak out from men is alarming in my surroundings here in the Philippines. Feminism is super rampant here. Reddit topics like red pill or rational male do help in this way. I know Joe has always bashed it but I don’t think he dived deep enough to find the gems in those topics. But I’ve always said, there’s two ways to look at the red pill. Use it for good or for bad. Unfortunately, a lot of men go to the dark side and take lessons literal or to the tee and blame things on women instead of taking responsibility into their own hands. Incels get formed and then MGTOW. It’s a never ending cycle really. Cancel culture is also a huge part of it. Men are afraid to speak out in my opinion. To make mistakes and learn from them. Our careers and livelihoods can be threatened and we may never recover from it Balance is definitely key. We men should be comfortable having our feminine traits as well as the masculine. As above, so below. Yin and yang. There’s always two sides that we must embrace to become whole and find ourselves.


I myself am a part of MGTOW, I don't believe that its a movement but I believe its a mindset and also a reaction to what society has preached for the longest. I've taken the red pill a little while ago and its helped me so much, I've had temptations that lasted very brief to go black pill but I didn't, thank god. For those people who want to learn the true meaning of red pill, I would watch videos on Alexander Grace and Coach Greg Adams on YouTube


Standard trope, every generation has this same argument. The standards alter and evolve. It's a perpetual argument, The easy access to all media makes it seem that this conversation is novel


Masculinity: Strength and having tough skin (showing no vulnerability) Femininity: Nurturing and expressive It's fair to argue the terminology because it's not mutually exclusive to one sex, but these inherent traits are heavily concentrated on each respected side, regardless of what they are called. We're an adaptive society, and in today's world it's not as relevant for our survival so we're moving away from it (Ironically thanks to nukes LOL), but once shit hits the fan, we are going to see the dividing line and see the prominence of these traits in their respected places.


Toxicity = Extreme ends of the spectrum. Toxic masculinity: Always having your guard up/ not being able to express how you feel. Toxic femininity: Smothering/ letting people walk all over you (non-confrontational). Life is a game of balance.


An example of "black pill" (and "white pill") from Urban Dictionary: "Because of a bad breakup, Steven black pilled himself into believing that all women would cheat on him no matter what. A month later, he unexpectedly swallowed a white pill when he came and his new girlfriend kept sucking, proving the existence of a divine spirit and a glorious future for mankind." Freaken hilarious.


awe man!! was that really the end of the video?!?! the convo was just starting to get more interesting


This was a good ass debate, I was glued to the screen the whole time.


Nooooooo!!!! Why did the video end?? I feel like Joe was about to drop even more wisdom. I'd love if there is a full version of this for Patreon.


We need a part 2 of this. Why did it end? The conversation stopped before Joe was even done talking.


The concept of masculinity is for ever changing, it always has and always will. Some people don't like change and see it as an attack by the people who accept the change.


Yo, I don't comment ever. I just wanted to say JKNEWS is back. Video's like this is why I stared watching and why ill keep watchin for as long as yall are around.


Joe. It is ok to sometimes fall in to the "trap" when the result is detouring others from doing the same. Know one cares he "WON" cuz the took the bait. Its not about him. Never was. Joe and the troll are the only ones that think they "WON" and TBH that doesn't bug me or matter one bit. I did what i wanted i chose to speak up. Just like Ill chose to ignore the next 100 times. Joe is saying to not stand up for your self cuz then the asshole wins?

Allen Xavier Silva

They’re operating from the belief that gender roles are social constructs, and completely disregard the biological imperatives. With that flawed logic they’re attempting to correct any inequities between the genders, even at the detriment of that very goal. That said...this goes beyond that, the very idea of biology is under attack. This is why we have campaigns telling us men can menstruate, breast feed and get pregnant...why we have trans women competing against biological women in sports, and we’re suppose to pretend its perfectly acceptable. I know this will usually be met with eyes rolls, as men are usually seen as perpetrators of all the ill in the world, but the fact remains that this “equality,” usually comes at the expense of men.


Wow way to end it on that note joe


Idk, i get what he means but i agree w/ nikki just putting a troll on blast could stop other potential ones and they probably have hundreds of out of line comments going thru live per minute


yo can you guys see it in fullscreen?


Yeah no Joe, that’s not it. You don’t get to define who “won” or “lost” because of how they react. I also don’t think you should dictate how people should or should not react to trolls and abuse. You cannot assume that just because someone took the time out to address an issue that they feel strongly against, it means the troll is living in their head rent-free. For all you know, after the person address the troll and issue, he or she goes about their day as per normal and that’s it. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Joe makes an excellent point.


I disagree with Joe I would rather address the troll one time to set him straight and then just ignore and forget about it or I would keep thinking the whole time why I didn’t say something


Thank you, Joe, for explaining the "Troll" method. Love JK!!


"setting him straight" is what you think though. I can tell you that never does. Don't you think that heckler knows what's he doing? Even if he's a kid, he knows saying those things will upset her. For someone like that, it's not the first time. He did that to cause to stir up the girl's emotions and it worked.

Petra Ylenius

So from what I understand, toxic masculinity is some of the qualities that are placed upon men which either hurt others or themselves. So, extreme self-reliance can lead to mental health problems, having to avoid anything feminine because you don’t wanna appear weak leads to people insulting others or feeling guilty for liking something. Also, it’s considered pretty normal to just have violence between boys and it’s normalised as just “boys being boys” but that can cause trauma and bullying, or people can hurt themselves because they feel the pressure to act tough. Traits like providing for your family or devotion to your work are often not seen as negative toxic traits but some they can be, some men can feel extreme guilt for not earning enough or not succeeding. This is my understanding, it’s traits that are expected of men that hurts themselves and can hurt others too.


Nah I get what's Joe's saying, the moment your acknowledge it by blasting them on your live streams, you lose... Their accounts are mostly fake and when they get that reaction, they get what they're looking for and gonna do it again and again creating multiple accounts


I agreed with both mom and dad. That was intense. 😂


joe is right. you choose how you want to respond TO EVERYTHING.


and guess what depedning on what you choose....you can hurt yourself or empower yourself based on the reaction you choose.


Jo's speaking truth.


Trolling is quite easy to find when social media because people are hiding behind their screens. So i understand what Nikki and Joe are saying and both are valid. However, what if this situation occurs in person? With Nikki’s reasoning, i see her checking that person making those comments. But what about with Joe’s reasoning?