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Hi subscribers,

It's April already. That means that it is time for another replay pack now that March has ended.

In March I've been laddering on several different accounts across several different servers. I managed to climb up to 5400 MMR with Zerg, which the highest I've been in quite a while. Besides playing Zerg, you'll find that a few of the games I played were with random as well.

You'll find 100 matches in total. As always, I only saved the best games that I played but I just simply played a ton of StarCraft. If you have any questions about any of the games, or if you decide to cast the games and would like me to help you promote it, definitely let me know. I always love to help.

"march.zip" has been attached to this post. Simply download it, and extract it in your StarCraft 2 replays folder.

As always, thanks a ton for the support. I really appreciate it. <3




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