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Well 2020 is officially one of the longest years in history (I mean, it was literally a leap year) and it's nice to be able to say Happy New Year!

All things considered, 2020 wasn't so bad for me personally. I'm grateful that I could continue doing what I do despite the world situation as it is. Let's hope 2021 will be better though (although that's not a particularly high bar to set).

Thanks for your support here on Patreon. If there are any Patreon perks that you would like to see me add going into the new year, let me know. Always looking for suggestions!



Devin Forbes

"If you are above X$ a month you can give a youtube intro (family friendly) for me to say in one of my videos" - Something fun, since you commented about people wanting to hear your old intro / switch up intros.

Ben Melloncalfs

“Patreon Players” Problem Statement: Tiers no longer available for personal coaching. Rationale: There is only so much time in the day. Instead of engaging in Active Coaching why not try Passive Coaching? Passive could be a way to keep your followers appeased and be a way to develop more content simultaneously. Solution: Here in Patreon Players we will now examine fun games submitted by my Patreon Community. In Patreon Players I can deliver constructive criticism passively to my community. Volunteer Patreon members can post their gamer tags and rank in a pool on the Patreon website. Viewer submitted games by Patreon members will viewed once a month minimum. I have other ideas for this as well. Though, I was to leave it to you as the content creator to think of this basic idea and how you can potentially grow it. This may be a beneficial, time saving way you can deliver to a (group) as you stated in your into for Patreon. Wanting to do things that benefit a group more than the individual is a great idea, and one I believe is a very wise approach from you. You are ONE person after all! Note: I am in no way on the edge of my seat awaiting for you to employ this idea. Just simply trying to help. I’ll do my best to assist when you post crowd source material like this in the future. Have a great day Simon! VR, Justin

Simon Heijnen

That is definitely something I can set up. Probably not as a new perk/reward but as a Patreon/YouTube crossover. Thanks for the suggestion! I will work something out.