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Hi Patrons,

Hope all is well with everyone! It's been a little while since I posted an update here, and it's long overdue. I feel like I've been less active on Patreon (both here and in the Discord chat), lots of things have been going on, but I will try to keep it short!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, especially in my personal life. Without getting into too much detail, my grandmother suddenly passed away after a bad fall and my mum got hospitalised for a few days as a result. It's been difficult to balance my personal life and making content (making happy, positive content when you're not happy and positive is impossible if you want to be genuine), but luckily everything is calming down.

While juggling all things that are happening off screen, I also was in the process of preparing YouTube videos in advance for BlizzCon. This didn't always go smoothly, but I'm very happy with the content that I made. The videos are uploaded, scheduled and will automatically go live while I'm away over the next few days.

I will be flying to BlizzCon tomorrow morning. Really looking forward to the event! Both Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 are rumoured to be announced. There will certainly be the announcement of a new WoW expansion, Hearthstone content, updates on Warcraft 3: Reforged, and hopefully a new SC2 Co-op Commander. As always I will make sure to create a few videos about my favourite developments. I really think this year's BlizzCon will be a big one. Besides that, there's also the World Championship Series Grand Finals for StarCraft 2 that will be played. I'll be cheering for Serral!

I also wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for yesterday. I have never received that many happy birthday wishes and gifts in my life and it was an incredible day. 

Thanks for all the support on Patreon. In the past I used to feel "guilty" whenever I had to take a few days off to take care of personal things (as stupid as that sounds). Nowadays however, because of your support I know I will financially be fine, and it's mentally very comforting. It really does help. So thank you!




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