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Hi Patrons,

I figured it might be nice to show you where your Patreon money actually goes. All of you are very generous each month, and it might be nice to know where it's being used! So here's a little update (albeit a very nerdy one). 

I recently decided it was time to jump ship from Canon gear. I used to have a camera for vlogging, one for streaming, one for photography and different lenses for different purposes. However, all of them were lacking something. Either the image quality wasn't very good. No auto focus in video. No proper 4K functionality. Simply too heavy. Etc.

For a while I hoped that Canon would release a camera that was capable of shooting proper full frame 4K, is at least reasonably affordable and would take my already purchased lenses. It's been a few years, and that camera has never come out. (Really the only proper Canon ones that shoot 4K are the 5D IV and the 1D X2, both of which have their shortcomings and are very expensive). The main reason for that (and this is speculation) is likely not so much that they can't, but that they don't want to lose sales on their more expensive video cameras. It seems they just simply strip features off of their photography cameras. Probably a smart business move, but it's pretty frustrating as a customer.

So I decided it was time to sell all my Canon gear (with the exception of the livestreaming camera) and invest into Sony gear instead. This camera should allow me to do everything at a much higher quality. It's one of the best photography cameras, got great video capabilities and is light enough for vlogging as well. It definitely has a learning curve and it will take me a while to get used to it, but I'm excited to see what's possible! It's really nice because it's basically got all of the features of my different cameras combined, and then a whole lot more on top of that.

I'm looking forward to being able to record proper video from anywhere (not just from my home studio), and to start taking a lot more photos again. Once I get used to it I also want to give it a try as the main camera for the Twitch livestream and the YouTube gaming videos.

Thanks, as always!




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