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Hi Patrons!

Small little update! You can now watch full playthroughs of games (besides StarCraft 2) that I've completed, over at https://www.twitch.tv/lowkotv/collections .

With the recent changes to the YouTube algorithm, it's not very smart to upload several videos that you know will get less views than your current average video. Basically if YouTube detects that your current average video gets viewed by 1 out of 5 subscribers, and then all of a sudden only by 1 out of 10 (for example if I were to upload all my Frostpunk episodes), it will promote the other content less as well. If that makes any sense... It's kind of messy.

Twitch also has been pushing uploads a lot more recently, and I figured it would a nice way of archiving my playthroughs, rather than making a second YouTube channel.

Definitely interested in hearing your thoughts!





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