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Hi Patrons,

It's been about 2,5 weeks now since we first got the key to the new place. I've had a lot of people ask what has been going on and how things are going, so here's a quick little update post about moving. :)

In the first week the house got painted and a ton of furniture was delivered here. We are still waiting for a few pieces here and there (for some reason one of our chairs was delivered without legs?), but most things are now finished.

Everything has been going surprisingly smoothly. We've been living at the new house  for about a week and a half right now, and it's finally starting to feel like I'm not staying at a friends house, but actually at our own instead.

Last week was the first week when I streamed live from here on Twitch. I was a little worried initially as the echo of the room was terrible and the internet company gave me a massive headache to get it all set up, but everything has been running perfectly. I have not dropped a single frame in about ±40 hours worth of streaming since moving here. It's been great! YouTube videos upload incredibly quickly (humble brag: just uploaded a 3 gigabyte file in under a minute to YouTube) and the green screen is working like a charm as well. 

I still have about a dozen boxes worth of stuff waiting to be unpacked. This is going to take some time and I guess I'll have to do a box here and there. But all things considered, life has been good! :)

Thanks a ton for all your continued support. I'm really happy to see the continued Patreon love. It's awesome that I can do what I do without being forced into shitty sponsorships because of you supporting me on here. So hey, thanks! <3




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