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Hi Patrons,

First of, Happy New Year! Let's make 2018 the best year yet.

2017 was an awesome year for me. Both the YouTube channel and Twitch livestream have grown significantly and while I was initially worried that StarCraft 2 wouldn't be popular anymore by 2018, it turns out the opposite is true. I'm seeing a very consistent amount of people interested in StarCraft 2, which is great as it's still my favourite game. Also, as far as my personal life goes, things are great. I will be moving to a new place in about a month from new. There's going to be a lot more room to expand LowkoTV. Exciting times!

2018 is going to be the best year yet. While we don't have control over every aspect of ours lives, there is a lot you can do to make a year awesome. At the very least I'm going to try my hardest to make that become a reality. StarCraft 2 isn't going anywhere, I'm going to consistently play and cast StarCraft for the forseeable future.

On that note, I do want to start mixing in other games more, on both YouTube and Twitch. For example, lately I've been having a ton of fun playing "They Are Billions", but there are so many others game I want to go ahead and give a try.

January is going to be focused on a lot of "Random" laddering in StarCraft 2. Lately I've been focused on Zerg, managed to make it to Grandmaster League in December, now it's time to rank up with the other races again.

I'm really excited to continue building the channels. I've got many other plans for the new year as well as a few awesome projects already lined up.

Attached to this post is the December replay pack. While I was in Grandmaster League for 24 hours only, this is easily the highest level gameplay I've shown in a while. http://lowko.tv/replay-packs/december.zip

Thanks again for supporting the channel. Let's make 2018 epic!




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