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Hi Patrons,

Turns out Patreon is making some awesome changes. They tried to communicate this through email but I'm getting a lot of messages of people who are a little confused why Patreon is going to charge them a bit more next month.

I think the easiest way to explain what's going on, is by explaining the current and the future situation.

Current situation: As it is right now on Patreon, I get roughly 80-88% of the total combined pledges. 5% of the total goes to Patreon. The remainder (7-15%) is a service fee for processing the payment and this changes from month to month.

Next month: They are changing it so that I will get a flat 95% of all pledges. Instead of me paying the service fee, the service fee gets charged to you now instead. This means that every pledge will be costing 2.9% + $0.35 more. For example, a $25 pledge will now be charged $26. This also means that I will be earning roughly 4-11% more, compared to the old situation.

To clarify, a lot of people seem to assume that Patreon is going to take a bigger cut. That's not true, Patreon takes a flat 5%. The extra charge will go essentially directly to me instead. 

For me personally it's definitely a great change, as it is a lot easier to predict how much Patreon will earn me from month to month, instead of trying to predict how high the processing fee will be.

I hope that clears up some confusion! If anyone has any questions, please let me know with a comment down below or reach out to me personally. I will respond to every message as timely as I can.

Thank you for all the continued support. It seriously means a lot. <3




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