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TL;DR - Pausing for January, taking a break!

Hey everyone! Checking in here with ya'll about how things have been going. Since I finished Wonder Junior the other week, I became a bit ill with a flu or cold of some kind, and it kicked my ass pretty badly. It got to the point where I had to take a break from doing any artwork for Patreon, so I just resigned myself to having to take some time off before getting back to it. It was about to be Christmas anyways.

However, now that Christmas has come and gone, and I've had my time to recover, I'm still not feeling 100%. I think that over the last few months with my life's happenings and some personal emotional turmoil I'm going through, it's put me into a mental block of some sort. I have been unable to find motivation or will to work on any art, and it is probably a sign of major burnout...

So, I made the tough decision to take a few weeks off to give myself some time to mentally recuperate from whatever subconscious thing is ailing me. I figure this time I really should give myself some time instead of forcing my way through it like I usually do. I have unfortunately been completely unable to... "relax" for lack of a better word, for years now, when it comes to my art. I'm always working on something for Patreon, commissions, or comic work, but have not really taken any time for myself. I need to give myself an opportunity to rest from it all, for once.

I hope you will understand and share my sentiment in needing a break. As such, I will be pausing Patreon's billing for the month of January. There is no need to edit or remove your pledges because you will NOT be charged, and Patreon pledges will resume on February 1st.

I have 3 Mega/Ultimate commissions I still need to do, and my handpicked pinup for December. I plan on doing those when I feel more mentally sound during January, so you can expect to see those in the coming weeks. I want to thank you all in advance for giving me some space while I deal with my issues in my own way. And, I super appreciate you all for giving me your support for these years. I am hoping to be back in full form in February with everything resuming as normal (the voted-on pinup for January will be done in February instead, just FYI)! 

Thanks, everyone. I appreciate you more than you know. ✌️🐰💖



Rest and take care of yourself, Sal. I hope you feel better soon. *sending all the hugs*


YO taking care of yourself? Love to see it. HYPERCLAP