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Every pledging patron will get the full size of Roommates pages from now on. :) Declaring it so! 4000 pixels tall, baby~ (EDIT: 1969 pixels max allowed on Patreon, sorry! >///< )

I'll be posting the web-sized version on FA tomorrow before I start streaming again. I'll be starting a new page so tune in if you can! https://picarto.tv/spelunkersal @ 1pm PST

EDIT: Turns out Patreon resizes it down to a certain size. Oops. ^^; Well, it's still gonna be bigger than FA gets. So hope this is still enjoyed by you guys. :)

EDIT 2: Fuck it, just gonna host on imgur then link it here. I dunno a better way to do it, so I guess til I figure out a different way, here ya go. 4000 pixels tall: http://i.imgur.com/KlBEH0J.jpg Thanks for understanding. ^^;;;



kai wolfheart

Awesome page. Can't help but look at all the people on Howlr and question what they are up to (the twins and Mondo). Also overly concerned bf triggered thanks to Santino. Can't wait to eventually see (read previous journal) how conversation pans out. Edit: Also can never look at Big the Cat and not think about this Game grumps moment lol: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3N7LaN2i94" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3N7LaN2i94</a>


Love the new page. Once again Sal, thanks for the cameo spot. Was really awesome of you :) Can't wait to see what the new page is about tomorrow :)


looks great and can´t wait to see moree. Would be fun if junior would be right or maybe even one of junior´s buddys to get into the threesome gang±D