Roommates Arc 3: Part 3 - Page 01 (Full) (Patreon)
Every pledging patron will get the full size of Roommates pages from now on. :) Declaring it so! 4000 pixels tall, baby~ (EDIT: 1969 pixels max allowed on Patreon, sorry! >///< )
I'll be posting the web-sized version on FA tomorrow before I start streaming again. I'll be starting a new page so tune in if you can! @ 1pm PST
EDIT: Turns out Patreon resizes it down to a certain size. Oops. ^^; Well, it's still gonna be bigger than FA gets. So hope this is still enjoyed by you guys. :)
EDIT 2: Fuck it, just gonna host on imgur then link it here. I dunno a better way to do it, so I guess til I figure out a different way, here ya go. 4000 pixels tall: Thanks for understanding. ^^;;;