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Hey, everyone! Wanted to ask you guys first before anyone else what your opinions would be about the Roommates comic pages.

So, since the beginning of Arc 3 part 1 I have stuck to a cel-shading style for the main comic, which then slowly turned into a soft cel-shaded style over time. Now that Arc 3 Part 2 is done, I'm kind of considering reverting back to my old way of doing comics with just flat color with simple gradients to add slight depth.

Since Arc 3 as a whole is technically still in progress (but we're starting Part 3 of Arc 3 now), I was wondering if you guys would think that switching back to flats would be too sudden. It can certainly wait until Arc 4 begins after this, but it would save a little bit of time with getting pages out if I switched now.

So the question is: Would you prefer to see Arc 3 as a whole completed with shading? Or would you be alright seeing Arc 3 Part 3 be flatted while Part 1 and Part 2 were shaded? I've been debating it around for a while myself and I'm kind of unsure what I want to do still. Let me know what you all think, if you'd be so kind!

Thanks for the support and the feedback. :)



Hmm... Flat! Either way its gonna look smexy :)


I think the comic overall has demonstrated your evolution as an artist (looking back to Arc 1). I see no reason not to change now if you are ready. The change is contained enough with the various parts if each arc, so it won't be a startling change. Go flat!


I personnaly like the shaded ones alot better but it is up to you if you want to get the pages out far quicker and maybe in the future upgrade the pages.


I like both, but i prefer the flat version ^^.


If you can pump out more pages, flats! Plus it will look and feel nostalgic like the first arcs. (:


I'd be fine with either. I rather enjoued the more flat looks of the earlier comics, but tje shaded look looks nice as well. It actually look me a bit to get ised to the shading look at first but it grew on me. Aka ill be cool with either direction.


It is entirely up to you. Personally, I prefer getting the pages faster...


Flat color for comics, go all out shading for the side stories, In my opinion. That way you'll get good practice but still pump out the comic faster.


nah, flats are k


Go with flats

Drake Arlin

The flats always seemed fine to me.


I do preffer flat color over shading, makes effects to me better to the eye.